Grantmaking at ED -- 2. Let's Get Started
August 2005

The process of making a federal discretionary grant begins long before an applicant or grantee ever completes a grant application and submits it to the Department of Education. Federal grants have their origin in the legislative process of Congress and the regulatory process of federal agencies. A federal agency such as the U.S. Department of Education must set up a structure for the orderly review, award, and administration of grants. This section describes the way the Department’s grant programs are organized and how you can find the grant opportunities that are available to you.

What is a discretionary grant?

A discretionary grant is an award made by the Department for which the Department has discretion, or choice in, which applicants get funded. Virtually all of the Department’s discretionary grants are made based on a competitive review process. The Department reviews applications in light of the legislative and regulatory requirements established for a discretionary grant program. This review process gives the Department discretion to determine which applications best address the program requirements and are, therefore, most worthy of receiving funding.

What is a cooperative agreement?

A cooperative agreement is a type of discretionary grant the Department awards when it determines it must have substantial involvement with the grantee in order to meet the objectives of a grant. Substantial involvement may include ongoing Departmental participation in the project; very close collaboration with the grantee, and/or possible intervention or direct operational involvement in the review and approval of the successive stages of project activities.

NOTE: For the purposes of this publication, whenever the term "grant" is used it will also mean cooperative agreement. The laws, regulations, policies, and requirements in this document for awarding grants are also applicable to cooperative agreements, unless program statutes or regulations stipulate otherwise.

How does the Department establish discretionary grant programs?

Congress establishes discretionary grant programs through authorizing legislation and appropriations legislation. The Department generally writes program regulations based on the authorizing legislation, which describe how the programs are to be administered. Some discretionary grant programs do not publish regulations and rely totally on the rules in the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). After these program regulations are published in final form and Congress appropriates funds for the program, the Department can solicit applications and award grants.

How are the Department’s programs organized?

There are nine principal offices in the Department that are responsible for the administration of discretionary grant programs. Each office is responsible for overseeing a portion of the programs established by Congress and administered by the Department. The principal offices are:

Within the principal offices, there are program offices and program staff that administer the Department’s discretionary grant programs on a daily basis. The program staff publish the program announcements, coordinate the review of applications that are received, make funding recommendations, and award grants to successful applicants. Program staff are supported in these activities by the Grants Policy and Oversight Staff (GPOS), which is responsible for developing overall discretionary grants policy for the Department and overseeing the discretionary grant process.

How do I obtain information about the Department’s discretionary grant programs?

There are several ways that you can get more information about the discretionary grant programs at the Department of Education:

How do I learn if I am eligible to receive a discretionary grant?

The first thing to determine before applying for a grant is whether your organization is eligible for the program. If you are not sure about the grant programs under which you would be eligible, start with the Guide. The Guide has an index to help you identify the grant program(s) for which you might be eligible. The Guide also gives the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for each grant program. To receive the appropriate information, it is essential that you use this number when contacting the Department about the specific grant program(s) of interest to you.

Once you know the number and title of the grant program(s) for which you want to apply, you may wish to review the program regulations provided in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Information about accessing the CFR from the Internet or obtaining a paper copy of the CFR is given in the section Other Information, which begins after the Glossary section of this publication. The CFR is updated once a year only and, therefore, might not include recent changes to program regulations. You should contact the program office listed in the Guide to verify the most recent version of the program regulations.

The application package specifies the eligibility requirements, generally drawn from the legislation establishing the program. Eligibility might be limited to a particular type of organization (e.g., only state education agencies), organizations that serve only a particular group (e.g., disadvantaged students), or organizations that meet some other criteria. In some cases, an organization wishing to apply under a particular program must first apply to the Department to be certified as eligible for that program. Eligibility requirements vary from program to program. Read the application notice that the Department publishes in the Federal Register for each new competition before deciding whether to apply.


1. Before We Begin
Table of Contents

Last Modified: 04/19/2007