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Reporting Requirements for TCT

Reporting requirements for TCT-B grant recipients:

Each eligible recipient receiving a grant under this section shall collect and report to the Secretary annually such information as the Secretary may reasonably require, including—

(1) the number of participants in the program;
(2) information on the academic majors of participating students;
(3) the race, gender, income, and disability status of program participants;
(4) the placement of program participants as teachers in schools determined by the partnership to be most in need;
(5) the extent to which the program succeeded in meeting the objectives and benchmarks described in Sec. 6113(d)(2)(G) of the statute; and
(6) the data collected under subparagraphs (G) and (H) of Sec. 6113(d)(2) of the statute.

Subparagraphs (G) and (H) of 6113(d)(2) of the statute read:

(G) collect data regarding and evaluate, using measurable objectives and benchmarks, the extent to which the program succeeded in—

(i) increasing the percentage of highly qualified mathematics, science, or critical foreign language teachers, including increasing the percentage of such teachers teaching in those schools determined by the partnership to be most in need;
(ii) improving student academic achievement in mathematics, science, and where applicable, technology and engineering;
(iii) increasing the number of students in secondary schools enrolled in upper level mathematics, science, and, where available, technology and engineering courses; and
(iv) increasing the numbers of elementary school and secondary school students enrolled in and continuing in critical foreign language courses;

(H) collect data on the employment placement and retention of all graduates of the program, including information on how many graduates are teaching and in what kinds of schools.


Reporting requirements for TCT-M grant recipients:

Each eligible recipient receiving a grant under this section shall evaluate, using measurable objectives and benchmarks, and provide an annual report to the Secretary regarding, the extent to which the program assisted under this section succeeded in the following:

(1) Increasing the number and percentage of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or critical foreign language teachers who have a master's degree and meet one or more of the following requirements:

(A) Are teaching in schools determined by the partnership to be most in need, and taught in such schools prior to participation in the program.
(B) Are teaching in schools determined by the partnership to be most in need, and did not teach in such schools prior to participation in the program.
(C) Are members of a group underrepresented in the teaching of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or a critical foreign language.

(2) Bringing professionals in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or a critical foreign language into the field of teaching.

(3) Retaining teachers who participate in the program.



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Last Modified: 02/07/2008