OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
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NIDRR, Legislation and Policy

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended

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NIDRR's Long-Range Plans

  • Long-Range Plan for Fiscal Years 2010 Through 2014.
    NIDRR's draft Long-Range Plan, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2009, describes the major activities NIDRR anticipates funding over the stated period of time. The draft is open for comment until March 16, 2009. Please follow the link below to access the document.

    • Download Draft Version:
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    • View the comments here
  • Long-Range Plan for Fiscal Years 2005 Through 2009.
    NIDRR's current Long-Range Plan, the guiding document for NIDRR-supported research, was published in the Federal Register on Feb. 15, 2006. The plan reflects consideration of comments on the draft plan from members of the public, including people with disabilities, their families and advocates, and researchers and service providers. The final plan emphasizes five "domains" as areas for expanded research efforts through 2009 in support of people with disabilities: employment; participation and community living; health and function; technology for access and function; and disability demographics.

    • Download Executive Summary:
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    • Download Full Version:
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  • Previous Long-Range Plan for Fiscal Years 1999 Through 2003.
    The previous NIDRR Long-Range Plan presented a five-year agenda to advance the vital work being done in applied rehabilitation research. This Long-Range Plan fulfilled NIDRR's obligation under the Rehabilitation Act to provide a plan that identified research needs and set research priorities for the disability field. This plan was intended to balance the competing demands of consumer relevance and scientific rigor, to present an agenda that was scientifically sound and accountable, and to contribute to the refinement of the nation's science and technology policy. The Executive Summary describes the purpose and scope of the previous Long-Range Plan, which was published in the Federal Register on December 7, 1999 (64 FR 68575-68614).

    • Download Executive Summary:
      Download files: MS Word (80 KB) | PDF (380 KB)
    • Download Full Version:
      Download files: MS Word (11.8 MB) | PDF (1.5 MB)
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Assistive Technology and Information Technology Use and Need by Persons With Disabilities in the United States (2001)

The 2001 Survey, Assistive Technology and Information Technology Use and Need by Persons With Disabilities in the United States (AT Survey), was conducted over a nine-month period from March through December 2001.


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Last Modified: 01/22/2009