Statement of Secretary Paige Regarding Title I Regulations
Archived Information

November 26, 2002
In phone call with reporters Contact: Dan Langan
(202) 401-1576
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 Title I Final Regulations
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 Summary of Final Regulations
 Fact Sheet

Buenos dias! Greetings from Mexico City. The weather's fabulous here. I want to thank you all for coming today.

As you may know, I'm here with my fellow Cabinet Secretaries for the annual U.S.-Mexico Bi-National Meeting. We have had some good discussions with our friends here about how we can work together to make sure no child is left behind on either side of the border.

Right now I'm at the Benito Juarez Elementary school. And as soon as we finish here, I'm going to meet the students and teachers. But this is an important day for America's schools. And I wanted to take this opportunity before I tour the school to call and give you my thoughts on today's release of these new regulations that move America's schools one step closer to the President's goal of educating every child, not just some.

No other profession so fundamentally affects our health as a nation as education. In that spirit, the President and Congress worked together to strengthen America's schools through the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

This new law fundamentally changed the way we educate our children. Not only does it provide historic levels of funding, but more importantly, it also insists on results for those tax dollars.

These pages represent the hard work and persistence of many at the Department of Education who sought the input and advice nationwide from local parents, teachers, principals and state school chiefs.

At the same time, the dedicated staff at the Department provided guidance to the states; fielded hundreds of phone calls, faxes, and requests for information; and provided timely advice on our web site. I personally visited 26 states and 38 cities to meet with local and state educators - people who really have to make the new law work.

I believe these regulations provide comprehensive and meaningful direction. Now all eyes of our nation are looking upon our states to use this direction to carry out Congress' intent and the President's vision.

President Bush's goal is to build schools that are not just better, but the best.

My hope is that states will accept this guidance in the spirit that it is given: To help close the achievement gap in America's schools that for too long split us into two nations: One that dreams and one that doesn't. One that is hopeful and one that is hopeless.

Since becoming Secretary of Education, I have come to know so many good, dedicated teachers and principals and school boards and superintendents in cities and towns all across America. And I have no doubt in my mind that in this choice between good schools and great schools, they will choose to be great.

I hope you and your families have a wonderful Thanksgiving. And now I'll turn the show back over to Bill Hansen.


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