Special Education--Technical Assistance on State Data Collection--IDEA General Supervision Enhancement Grant

   Current Section  Funding Status
 Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Home


Fiscal Year 2006 $15,000,000
Fiscal Year 2007 $15,000,000
Fiscal Year 2008 $15,000,000

Note: These funds are set aside from funds appropriated for Special Education---Grants to States (see # 84.027, under topical heading "Special Education").

Awards Information


Number of New Awards Anticipated: 0
Number of Continuation Awards: 24
Average Continuation Award: $600,000
Range of Continuation Awards: $200,000–$3,250,000

Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.

Note: These funds are set aside from funds appropriated

Funding for Awards: These priorities are being supported with funds reserved under section 616 of the IDEA, Technical Assistance in State Data Collection.

  Estimated available funds Maximum award Estimated average size of awards Estimated number of awards
Priority A: Outcome Measures $4,970,000 The Secretary does not intend to make awards for more than $375,000 for applications that address Focus Area One or Two and does not intend to and make awards for more than $750,000 for applications that address Focus Area One and Focus Area Two. $325,000 for applications that address Focus Area One or Two, and $700,000 for applications that address Focus Area One and Two. 13
Priority B: Assessment Data $4,475,450 The Secretary does not intend to fund any applications in FY 2005 that propose a budget exceeding $200,000 for a State or FAS for a single budget period of 12 months unless the application involves a consortium, or any other group of eligible parties that meets the requirements of 34 CFR 75.127-75.129. The level of funding for a consortium, or any other group of eligible entities, will reflect the combined
total that the eligible entities comprising the consortium, or group, would have received if they had applied separately. The Secretary does not intend to make more than one award to serve a State or FAS.
$150,000 unless the application involveds a consortium, or anhy other group of eligible parties that meets the requirements of 34 CFR 75.127-75.129. 30

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Last Modified: 09/10/2008