OPE: Office of Postsecondary Education
Current Section
Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education - Notes on Dissemination

An essential element of a dissemination proposal is documentation which demonstrates the sustained success of program strategies and processes that can transfer both knowledge and strategies to adapters. If you are considering submitting an application for the dissemination of a proven program that can have national impact, the following questions may be useful to you as you organize your ideas.

The 5 W's and an H


  • Who are the adapters? And are they ready to take action? Can they commit personnel and financial resources?
  • Who are involved in the implementation of the program?  Who will provide training and program information?
  • Who are the administrators who will insure institutional commitment?
  • Who are the participants?  Faculty...Staff...Students?


  • What is the innovation in the mentoring institution's program?
  • What materials, strategies, and program information are available for implementation by adapters?
  • What program achievements have been demonstrated? What is the evidence of success?
  • What administrative planning and policy decisions must be completed before implementation is possible?


  • When will systematic contact between originator and adapters take place? Face time? Electronically?
  • When will adapting and mentoring institutions collaborate to share ideas and concerns?


  • Where will local adaptations lead? Is there a marketing plan for scaling up for national impact?


  • Why is this program important to solving a national problem in higher education?


  • How will you document the success of the program across institutions?

Rosemary Wolfe
Former FIPSE Program Officer


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Last Modified: 09/14/2005