Jacob K. Javits Fellowships Program

Current Section  Performance
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Program Performance Plan

Program performance plans describe the goals and intended outcomes of U.S. Department of Education programs and initiatives. Annual targets and strategies, along with measures for monitoring progress, are published in performance plans prior to each fiscal year. The plans also include actual performance data showing whether targets were met in previous years. The FY 2009 performance plan for this program, including program performance measures, historical program data, and targets, as of February 2008, may be accessed through the link below.

Performance Reports

The following forms and instructions will help the U.S. Department of Education assess the Javits program's accomplishments toward meeting the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

If you have any questions, please contact Carmen Gordon or Sara Starke by phone at (202) 502-7542, fax at (202) 502-7859, or e-mail at or

Program Performance Assessment

  • Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program Performance Assessment: 2000-01 Cohort Participant Results download files MS Word (552K) | PDF (225K)
  • Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program Performance Assessment: 1997-98 Cohort Participant Results download files MS Word (777K) | PDF (151K)



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Last Modified: 10/17/2008