US Department of Education Principal Office Functional Statements
Institute of Education Sciences

Functional Statements > Institute of Education Sciences

E. National Center for Special Education Research

The National Center for Special Education Research is one of the four National Education Centers of the Institute. The mission of the National Center for Special Education Research is to:

  • Sponsor research to expand knowledge and understanding of the needs of infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities in order to improve the developmental, educational, and transitional results of such individuals;
  • Sponsor research to improve services provided under, and support the implementation of, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; and
  • Evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in coordination with the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.

The National Center for Special Education Research is headed by a Commissioner for Special Education Research, who reports to the Director of the Institute. The duties of the National Center for Special Education Research are to:

  • Carry out research activities consistent with the mission of the Special Education Research Center and in accordance with the standards for the conduct and evaluation of research and development of the National Center for Education Research; and
  • Synthesize and disseminate, through the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, the findings and results of special education research conducted or supported by the Special Education Research Center.
The National Center for Special Education Research includes a Deputy Commissioner who reports to the Commissioner. The staff is responsible for research programs and evaluation programs. Staff members design programs of research, develop requests for applications for research grants and statements of work for evaluation contracts, monitor and evaluate the substantive aspects of the performance of research grantees and evaluation contractors, design data analysis plans and carry out data analysis activities, conduct literature reviews, develop research syntheses, prepare evaluation reports and summaries and syntheses of evaluation findings, coordinate the work of technical advisory groups, and carry out other activities to further the mission of the center.


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Last Modified: 06/15/2005