US Department of Education Principal Office Functional Statements
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Functional Statements > Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

B. Impact Aid Programs

Impact Aid Programs (IAP) administers Titles VIII -- Impact Aid -- and XII -- School Facilities Infrastructure Improvement -- of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

The administration of these programs involves making grants and payments; participating in the formulation, development, and design of operating programs; preparing program and administrative budgets and other management documents as requested; preparing responses to program correspondence; directing the staff responsible for operational programs and management components; and establishing organizational procedures for the entire staff of IAP.

IAP administers grants to local educational agencies: (a) whose revenues have been reduced as the result of Federal acquisition of real property; (b) where there have been increased enrollments as a result of Federal activities; (c) that require supplemental assistance in order to provide the equivalent of education provided by generally comparable school districts in the State; (d) that experience substantial increases in school attendance as a direct result of Federal activities; and (e) that are required to comply with special requirements in order to receive payments for children residing on Indian lands. IAP also administers a program of activities related to buildings owned by the Department and serving children residing on Federal property.

IAP is headed by a Director who reports to the Assistant Secretary and/or Deputy Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education and advises the Assistant Secretary and/or Deputy Assistant Secretary on matters related to the activities administered by IAP. The Director promotes cooperative efforts among various governmental and community officials and groups on matters involving the effective administration of programs administered by IAP.


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Last Modified: 12/08/2003