US Department of Education Principal Office Functional Statements
Office of Management



The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management is responsible for the overall direction and administration of the Department of Education's administrative management functions. The Office develops and implements administrative management priorities, policies, and procedures, and provides viewpoints and policies in the development of overall ED policies and plans. The Office coordinates its program with those of other Federal agencies, such as Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), General Services Administration (GSA), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and with members of Congress.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary acts for the Secretary in the administration of the Department of Education and represents the Secretary on interagency administrative matters and other activities and functions as directed. The Office of Management (OM) plans, develops, implements, administers, and leads Department of Education administrative management support programs including administrative services, equal employment opportunity services, human capital management, human resources services, labor management relations, management evaluations, organizational development, management directives, property administration, security services, systems analysis, and interagency liaison on management regulations and standards.

The Office leads, manages, and provides technical assistance on the implementation of major management reform initiatives such as those mandated by the President’s Management Initiatives and the Government Performance and Results Act. The immediate office also serves as liaison on audit reports affecting OM functions.

The Office ensures coordinated administrative oversight of the Department's various hearing bodies.

Executive Office

The Executive Office serves as the principal staff of the Assistant Secretary in developing, coordinating, and implementing all internal administrative matters relating to OM such as personnel, budget, financial management, organization, contracts, facilities, correspondence control, and support services. The Office develops the annual Common Support Expense S&E Budget Request for inclusion in the Department's S&E Budget Request.

The Office also manages the Departmental Administrative Communications System, the employee suggestion system, and the organizational control and delegations of authority systems. The Office works with organizations to ensure that all reorganization proposals are customer‑focused and are consistent with Departmental policies and guidelines and coordinates final approval and implementation of all organization requests.

The Office coordinates with other elements of the Department, advises on matters of concern to the Assistant Secretary, and performs special assignments as directed.

Human Capital Management Staff

  • The Human Capital Management Staff provide leadership and direction in developing, coordinating, and overseeing the implementation and administration of the Department’s human capital management initiatives to efficiently and effectively attract, recruit, develop, and retain a high-quality, productive workforce for the Department in accordance with merit systems principles.

  • In performing its responsibilities, the Human Capital Management Staff:

    • Advises the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO) on matters affecting human capital planning, budgeting, programs, and policies requirements.

    • Serves as the primary backup to the CHCO on all topics related to the implementation and management of human capital projects and represents the CHCO in a variety of settings and at all levels of the organization.

    • Serves as the principal contact for OPM and coordinates activities with OMB.

    • Develops and coordinates a comprehensive human capital strategy and implementation plan that aligns with the Department’s Strategic Plan.

    • Provides implementation and analytical support and advice on a variety of human capital management evaluations, surveys, analyses, short- and long-term studies, and scans the horizon for new service and other delivery alternatives to advance the Department’s strategic management of human capital and organizational initiatives.

    • Serves as a liaison to the Department’s Human Capital Management Council.

    • Evaluates and develops the Human Capital Management Report.

    • Assists Human Resources Services with evaluating human resources programs to ensure compliance with merit systems principle.

    • Collaborates with Human Resources Services on the infrastructures needed to analyze the Agency’s workforce, learning and development, succession planning, performance management, and accountability needs.

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Last Modified: 04/20/2009