A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n


``(a) Local Review.--Each local educational agency receiving funds under this part shall--
``(1) use the State assessments described in the State plan;
``(2) use any additional measures or indicators described in the local educational agency's plan to review annually the progress of each school served under this part to determine whether the school is meeting, or making adequate progress as defined in section 1111(b)(2)(A)(i) toward enabling its students to meet the State's student performance standards described in the State plan;
``(3) publicize and disseminate to teachers and other staff, parents, students, and the community, the results of the annual review under paragraph (2) of all schools served under this part in individual school performance profiles that include statistically sound disaggregated results as required by section 1111(b)(3)(I); and
``(4) provide the results of the local annual review to schools so that the schools can continually refine the program of instruction to help all children served under this part in those schools meet the State's student performance standards.
``(b) Designation of Distinguished Schools.--Each State educational agency and local educational agency receiving funds under this part shall designate distinguished schools in accordance with section 1117.
``(c) School Improvement.--
``(1) In general.--A local educational agency shall identify for school improvement any school served under this part that--
``(A) has been in program improvement under section 1020 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (as such section was in effect on the day preceding the date of enactment of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994), for at least two consecutive school years prior to such day;
``(B) has not made adequate progress as defined in the State's plan under section 1111(b)(2)(A)(i) for two consecutive school years, except that--
``(i) this subparagraph shall not apply to a school if almost every student in such school is meeting the State's advanced level of performance; or
``(ii) in the case of a targeted assistance school, such school may be reviewed on the progress of only those students that have been or are served under this part; or
``(C) has failed to meet the criteria established by the State through the State's transitional procedure under section 1111(b)(7)(B) for two consecutive years.
``(2) Requirement.--
``(A) Each school identified under paragraph (1) shall--
``(i) in consultation with parents, the local educational agency, and the school support team, develop or revise a school plan in ways that have the greatest likelihood of improving the performance of participating children in meeting the State's student performance standards, which may include reviewing the schools' plan in the context of the opportunity-to-learn standards or strategies developed by such State under the Goals 2000: Educate America Act; and
``(ii) submit the plan or revised plan to the local educational agency for approval.
``(B) Before identifying a school for school improvement under paragraph (1), the local educational agency shall provide the school with an opportunity to review the school-level data, including assessment data, on which such identification is based. If the school believes that such identification for school improvement is in error for statistical or other substantive reasons, such school may provide evidence to the local educational agency to support such belief.
``(C) During the first year immediately following such identification, the school shall implement such school's plan or revised plan.
``(3) Professional Development.--
``(A) Each school identified under paragraph (1) shall, as part of the school plan under paragraph (2), improve the skills of its staff by providing effective professional development activities. A school shall demonstrate such school's compliance with this paragraph by--
``(i) devoting to such activities, over two consecutive years, an amount equivalent to at least 10 percent of the funds received by the school under this part during one fiscal year; or
``(ii) otherwise demonstrating that such school is effectively carrying out professional development activities.
``(B) A school may use funds from any source to meet the requirements of this subsection.
``(C) Decisions about how to use the funds made available under this part which the school makes available for professional development shall be made by teachers, principals, and other school staff in that school.
``(4) Technical assistance.--
``(A) For each school identified under paragraph (1), the local educational agency shall provide technical or other assistance as the school develops and implements such school's plan or revised plan, such as a joint plan between the local educational agency and school that addresses specific elements of student performance problems and that specifies school and local educational agency responsibilities under the plan, and waivers or modifications of requirements of local educational agency policy or regulation that impede the ability of the school to educate students.
``(B) Such technical assistance may be provided directly by the local educational agency, through mechanisms authorized under section 1117, or with the local educational agency's approval, by an institution of higher education, a private nonprofit organization, an educational service agency, a comprehensive regional assistance center under part A of title XIII, or other entities with experience in helping schools improve achievement.
``(5) Corrective action.--
``(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (C), after providing technical assistance pursuant to paragraph (4) and taking other remediation measures, the local educational agency may take corrective action at any time against a school that has been identified under paragraph (1), but, during the third year following identification under paragraph (1), shall take such action against any school that still fails to make adequate progress.
``(i) Corrective actions are those, consistent with State and local law, determined and made public and disseminated by the local educational agency, which may include--
``(I) withholding funds;
``(II) interagency collaborative agreements between the school and other public agencies to provide health, counseling, and other social services needed to remove barriers to learning;
``(III) revoking authority for a school to operate a schoolwide program;
``(IV) decreasing decisionmaking authority at the school level;
``(V) making alternative governance arrangements such as the creation of a public charter school;
``(VI) reconstituting the school staff;
``(VII) authorizing students to transfer, including transportation costs, to other public schools served by the local educational agency; and
``(VIII) implementing opportunity-to-learn standards or strategies developed by such State under the Goals 2000: Educate America Act.
``(ii) Notwithstanding clause (i), corrective actions taken pursuant to this part shall not include the actions described in subclause (I), (III), (IV), (VI), or (VII) of clause (i) until the State has developed assessments that meet the requirements of subparagraph (C) of section 1111(b)(3).
``(C) Prior to implementing any corrective action, the local educational agency may refrain from such corrective action for one additional year to the extent that the failure to make progress can be attributed to extenuating circumstances as determined by the local educational agency.
``(D) A school that is no longer operating its schoolwide program due to a corrective action may not resume operation of such a program until the local educational agency determines that the school has adequately reformed its schoolwide program plan to enable the school to make adequate progress toward meeting the State's challenging student performance standards.
``(6) State educational agency responsibilities.--The State educational agency shall--
``(A) make technical assistance under section 1117 available to the schools farthest from meeting the State's challenging student performance standards, if requested by the school or local educational agency; and
``(B) if such agency determines that a local educational agency failed to carry out the local educational agency's responsibilities under paragraphs (4) and (5), take such corrective actions as the State educational agency deems appropriate and which are in compliance with State law.
``(7) Special rule.--Schools that, for at least two of the three years following identification under paragraph (1), make adequate progress toward meeting the State's proficient and advanced levels of performance shall no longer need to be identified for school improvement.
``(d) State Review and Local Educational Agency Improvement.--
``(1) In general.--A State educational agency shall--
``(A) annually review the progress of each local educational agency receiving funds under this part to determine whether schools receiving assistance under this part are making adequate progress as defined in section 1111(b)(2)(A)(ii) toward meeting the State's student performance standards; and
``(B) publicize and disseminate to local educational agencies, teachers and other staff, parents, students, and the community the results of the State review, including statistically sound disaggregated results, as required by section 1111(b)(3)(I).
``(2) Rewards.--In the case of a local educational agency that for three consecutive years has met or exceeded the State's definition of adequate progress as defined in section 1111(b)(2)(A)(ii), the State may make institutional and individual rewards of the kinds described for individual schools in paragraph (2) of section 1117(c).
``(3) Identification.--
``(A) A State educational agency shall identify for improvement any local educational agency that--
``(i) for two consecutive years, is not making adequate progress as defined in section 1111(b)(2)(A)(ii) in schools served under this part toward meeting the State's student performance standards, except that schools served by the local educational agency that are operating targeted assistance programs may be reviewed on the basis of the progress of only those students served under this part; or
``(ii) has failed to meet the criteria established by the State through such State's transitional procedure under section 1111(b)(7)(B) for two consecutive years.
``(B) Before identifying a local educational agency for improvement under paragraph (1), the State educational agency shall provide the local educational agency with an opportunity to review the school- level data, including assessment data, on which such identification is based. If the local educational agency believes that such identification for improvement is in error due to statistical or other substantive reasons, such local educational agency may provide evidence to the State educational agency to support such belief.
``(4) Local educational agency revisions.--
``(A) Each local educational agency identified under paragraph (3) shall, in consultation with schools, parents, and educational experts, revise its local educational agency plan under section 1112 in ways that have the greatest likelihood of improving the performance of schools served by the local educational agency under this part in meeting the State's student performance standards.
``(B) Such revision shall include determining why the local educational agency's plan failed to bring about increased achievement, and may include reviewing the local educational agency's plan in the context of the opportunity-to-learn standards or strategies developed by such State under the Goals 2000: Educate America Act.
``(5) State educational agency responsibility.--
``(A) For each local educational agency identified under paragraph (3), the State educational agency shall--
``(i) provide technical or other assistance, if requested, as authorized under section 1117, to better enable the local educational agency to--
``(I) develop and implement the local educational agency's revised plan; and
``(II) work with schools needing improvement; and
``(ii) make available to the local educational agencies farthest from meeting the State's standards, if requested, assistance under section 1117.
``(B) Technical or other assistance may be provided by the State educational agency directly, or by an institution of higher education, a private nonprofit organization, an educational service agency or other local consortium, a technical assistance center, or other entities with experience in assisting local educational agencies improve achievement, and may include--
``(i) interagency collaborative agreements between the local educational agency and other public agencies to provide health, pupil services, and other social services needed to remove barriers to learning; and
``(ii) waivers or modification of requirements of State law or regulation (in States in which such waivers are permitted) that impede the ability of a local educational agency to educate students.
``(6) Corrective action.--
``(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (C), after providing technical assistance pursuant to paragraph (5) and taking other remediation measures, the State educational agency may take corrective action at any time against a local educational agency that has been identified under paragraph (3), but, during the fourth year following identification under paragraph (3), shall take such action against any local educational agency that still fails to make adequate progress.
``(i) Corrective actions are those actions, consistent with State law, determined and made public and disseminated by the State educational agency, which may include--
``(I) the withholding of funds;
``(II) reconstitution of school district personnel;
``(III) removal of particular schools from the jurisdiction of the local educational agency and establishment of alternative arrangements for public governance and supervision of such schools;
``(IV) implementation of the opportunity-to-learn standards or strategies developed by such State under the Goals 2000: Educate America Act;
``(V) appointment by the State educational agency of a receiver or trustee to administer the affairs of the local educational agency in place of the superintendent and school board;
``(VI) the abolition or restructuring of the local educational agency;
``(VII) the authorizing of students to transfer from a school operated by one local educational agency to a school operated by another local educational agency; and
``(VIII) a joint plan between the State and the local educational agency that addresses specific elements of student performance problems and that specifies State and local responsibilities under the plan.
``(ii) Notwithstanding clause (i), corrective actions taken pursuant to this part shall not include the actions described in subclauses (I), (II), and (III) of clause (i) until the State has developed assessments that meet the requirements of paragraph (3)(C) of section 1111(b).
``(C) Prior to implementing any corrective action, the State educational agency shall provide due process and a hearing (if State law provides for such due process and a hearing) to any local educational agency identified under paragraph (3) and may refrain from such corrective action for one year after the four-year period described in subparagraph (A) to the extent that the failure to make progress can be attributed to such extenuating circumstances as determined by the State educational agency.
``(7) Special rule.--Local educational agencies that for at least two of the three years following identification under paragraph (3) make adequate progress toward meeting the standards no longer need to be identified for local educational agency improvement.
``(e) Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to alter or otherwise affect the rights, remedies, and procedures afforded school or school district employees under Federal, State, or local laws (including applicable regulations or court orders) or under the terms of collective bargaining agreements, memoranda of understanding, or other agreements between such employees and their employers.
