A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

FY 1999 Annual Plan - Volume 1. Objective Performance Plans and Data Quality - February 27, 1998

Program Performance Plans

Exhibit 6

Volume 2 contains 99 program plans covering the Department's programs.

The Department is committed to managing by results. Managers throughout the Department have prepared individual program indicator plans that, like the Department's Strategic Plan, lay out goals, objectives, performance indicators and targets, data sources, and key strategies. Performance plans are now available that cover all programs in the Department, although in some cases, several programs or budget line items have been aggregated into a single performance plan.

Development process

The process for developing these plans started in 1996 when the then-Under Secretary of Education required each principal office to develop a program indicator plan for one of its largest or most important programs. Working office by office, the Under Secretary met and personally reviewed the plans, and common formats, indicators, and guidance began to emerge. By the end of 1996, each program office had participated in at least one high-level review meeting and received guidance on the plans. By mid-March 1997, the Department was able to send to Congress a set of draft plans for many of its key programs representing about 70 percent of the Department's total appropriations.

Continued work by managers and staff at all levels of the agency resulted in a full set of program plans by the end of 1997. Most of the plans were provided to key constituency groups at some point during development for review, although the extent of review varied.

During preparation of the FY 1999 budget, the objectives and indicators in these plans were integrated into the Department's request to Congress, including the Congressional Justifications for FY 1999. As illustrated by Exhibit 6, the program performance plans are a critical element in the Department's planning process and link both to the Strategic and Annual Plan objectives and strategies and to the budget request.

Next steps

During the next year, the Department will focus on:
Exhibit 7
Program Performance
Plans in Volume 2:
Categories and Funding
 FY 1999
President's Budget*
Education Reform 
  Goals 2000: Educate America$501,000,000
  School to Work Opportunities125,000,000
Education Technology721,000,000
Elementary and Secondary Education 
  Education for the Disadvantaged8,495,892,000
  Impact Aid696,000,000
  Class Size Reduction and Teacher Financing1,100,000,000
  School Improvement1,475,800,000
  America Reads Challenge260,000,000
  Indian Education66,000,000
Bilingual and Immigrant Education387,000,000
Special Education4,845,646,000
Rehabilitation Services, Disability Research, and Special Institutions2,781,793,000
Vocational and Adult Education1,544,147,000
Student Financial Assistance11,532,801,000
Higher Education1,288,405,000
Educational Research and Improvement685,367,000
Office for Civil Rights68,000,000

    Total ED programs $36,771,464,000

* Excludes $1,028,905,000 in funding for Department management functions. Total budget request for FY 1999 is $37,800,369,000.

Relationship of program plans and FY 1999 budget structure

Exhibit 7 displays the budget accounts and sub-accounts by which the program plans in Volume 2 are grouped as well as the funding requested for each.

Exhibit 8 below shows the relationship of the individual program plans to the FY 1999 budget structure. In some cases the Department aggregated activities in two or more budget lines in one plan. All program activities in the FY 1999 budget have an individual program plan or are included within one.

Exhibit 8
Relationship of Program Plans to FY 1999 Budget Structure
Program Plans FY 1999 Budget (000s) More than one budget line in plan?
Education Reform
1. Goals 2000 (state/local improvement; parental assistance) $501,000 Yes
2. School-to-work opportunities program $125,000 No
Educational Technology
3. Technology challenge programs (literacy and innovation grants, national activities) $668,000 Yes
4. Regional technology in education consortia $10,000 No
5. Star schools $34,000 No
6. Ready to learn television $7,000 No
7. Telecommunications demonstration project for mathematics $2,000 No
Education for the Disadvantaged
8. Title I LEA grants (basic, concent., targeted), capital expenses $7,777,000 Yes
9. Even Start $114,992 No
10. Title I migrant education $354,689 No
11. Title I neglected and delinquent $40,311 No
12. Comprehensive school reform demonstrations $150,000 No
13. Transition-to-school demonstrations $35,000 No
14. Migrant HEP and CAMP $15,000 Yes
Impact Aid
15. Impact aid $696,000 Yes
Class Size Reduction and Teacher Financing
16. Class size reduction and teacher financing initiative (prop.leg.) $1,100,000 No
School Improvement Programs
17. Eisenhower professional development state grants $335,000 No
18. Innovative education state grants (Title VI) (block grant) $0 No
19. Safe and drug-free schools (state grants, nat. progs, coordinators) $606,000 Yes
20. Inexpensive book distribution (RIF) $13,000 No
21. Arts in education $10,500 No
22. Magnet schools assistance $101,000 No
23. Education for homeless children and youth $30,000 No
24. Women's educational equity $3,000 No
25. Training and advisory services (Civil Rights Act) $8,300 No
26. Ellender Fellowships $0 No
27. Education for Native Hawaiians $18,000 No
28. Alaska Native education equity $8,000 No
29. Charter schools $100,000 No
30. Comprehensive regional assistance centers $40,000 No
31. Advanced placement test fees $3,000 No
32. Education opportunity zones (prop.leg.) $200,000 No
America Reads Challenge
33. America Reads Challenge (prop.leg.) $260,000 No
Indian Education
34. Grants to LEAs; special programs; national activities $66,000 Yes
Bilingual and Immigrant Education
35. Bilingual education $232,000 Yes
36. Foreign language assistance $5,000 No
37. Immigrant education $150,000 No
Special Education (IDEA)
38. State grants (grants to states and preschool grants) (Part B) $4,184,685 Yes
39. Grants for infants and families (Part C) $370,000 No
40. National activities (Part D) $290,961 Yes
Rehabilitation Services and Disability Research
41. Vocational rehabilitation grants to states, inservice training set-aside, and supported employment state grants $2,325,280 Yes
42. Vocational rehabilitation grants for Indians $17,283 No
43. Client assistance state grants $10,928 No
44. Training $33,685 No
45. Special demonstration programs $18,942 No
46. Migratory workers $2,350 No
47. Recreational programs $2,596 No
48. Protection and advocacy of individual rights $9,894 No
49. Projects with industry $22,071 No
50. Independent living $79,574 Yes
51. Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults $8,176 No
52. National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research $81,000 No
53. Assistive technology $30,000 No
Special Institutions for Persons with Disabilities
54. American Printing House for the Blind $8,256 No
55. National Technical Institute for the Deaf $44,791 No
56. Gallaudet University $83,480 No
Vocational and Adult Education
57. Vocational education basic grants and tech-prep education $1,136,650 Yes
58. Vocational education national programs $13,497 No
59. Tribally controlled postsecondary vocational institutions $0 No
60. Adult education state grants $361,000 No
61. Adult education evaluation and technical assistance $27,000 No
62. National Institute for Literacy $6,000 No
63. Literacy programs for prisoners and State grants for incarcerated youth offenders $0 Yes
Student Financial Assistance
64. Cross-program measures (office-wide) NA NA
65. Pell grants $7,594,000 No
66. Campus-based programs $1,649,000 Yes
67. State student incentive grants $0 No
68. Federal Family Education Loans $1,764,317 No
69. Federal Direct Student Loans $525,484 No
Higher Education
70. Title III (HEA) aid for institutional development $260,000 Yes
71. Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education $22,500 No
72. International education/foreign language studies $61,117 Yes
73. Teacher recruitment and preparation (HEA, V - prop.leg.) $67,000 No
74. Interest subsidy grants $13,000 No
75. Urban community service (HEA XI-A) $0 No
76. Mary McLeod Bethune Memorial Fine Arts Center $0 No
77. Federal TRIO programs $583,000 No
78. High Hopes College-School Partnerships (prop.leg.) $140,000 No
79. National early intervention scholarships and partnerships $0 No
80. Byrd honors scholarships $39,288 No
81. National need graduate fellowship program (prop.leg.) $37,500 No
  State grants for incarcerated youth offenders   See # 63
82. Early awareness information program $15,000 No
83. Learning anytime anywhere partnerships (prop.leg.) $30,000 No
84. Access and retention innovations (prop.leg.) $20,000 No
85. Howard University $210,000 Yes
Research and Improvement
86. National education research institutes $53,782 No
87. Interagency research initiative $50,000 No
88. Regional educational laboratories $56,000 No
89. National dissemination activities $18,785 No
90. Statistics and assessment $104,000 Yes
91. Eisenhower professional development federal activities $50,000 No
92. Fund for the improvement of education $105,000 No
93. Javits gifted and talented education $6,500 No
94. Eisenhower math and science consortia $25,000 No
95. 21st century community learning centers $200,000 No
96. National writing project $5,000 No
97. Civic education $6,300 No
98. International education exchange $5,000 No
Department Management
99. Office for Civil Rights $68,000 No
  Office of the Inspector General $31,242 See below
  Departmental management $997,663 NA
Total Budget Authority $37,800,369  

Inspector General's strategic and annual plans

The Department's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has a strategic plan located on the ED web site at: www.ed.gov/offices/OIG/, which contains OIG's mission, goals, performance measures, and strategies. The OIG's goals are:

The IG also has an annual plan for 1998-99 which can be found at: www.ed.gov/offices/OIG/. This plan lists the specific audits, investigations, and other activities planned for FY 1999 and delineates the expected impact of the work on the successful accomplishment of the Department's programs. Both plans are available in .html and Adobe Acrobat .pdf formats. Hard copy of these plans may be obtained from the Department's Office of the Inspector General.


[Quality of Performance Data ...] [Table of Contents] [Appendix A]