A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

FY 1999 Annual Plan - Volume 1. Objective Performance Plans and Data Quality - February 27, 1998

Objective 1.1. States develop challenging standards and assessments for all students in the core academic subjects.

Context: All students must have the opportunity to reach high standards of education excellence and all schools should be held accountable for enabling students to achieve. Helping students reach challenging academic standards will prepare them for responsible citizenship, productive employment, and lifelong learning. The FY 1994 reauthorization of the federal elementary and secondary programs, along with Goals 2000, brought federal program support in line with state and local reform efforts, by linking program performance accountability and improvement to progress on challenging standards and assessments.

Key strategies for FY 1999


Programs supporting this objective

Standards development by states
  • Goals 2000
  • Title I
  • Fund for the Improvement of Education
State Grants
  • Goals 2000
  • Title I
  • School-to-Work Opportunities
  • IDEA Part B: State Improvement
Professional development
  • Eisenhower Professional Development
  • Goals 2000
  • Title I
Technical Assistance and dissemination
  • Comprehensive Regional Assistance Centers
  • Eisenhower Regional Consortia
  • Fund for the Improvement of Education
  • Regional Educational Laboratories
  • National Dissemination Activities
Research and demonstration
  • Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration
  • National Education Research Institutes Student Achievement Institute)
  • Statistics and Assessment
  • IDEA Research and Innovation

Selected performance indicators and charts

State progress for Goals 2000 is measured through annual Goals 2000 state reports and the Department's evaluation of the state implementation of Goals 2000 and ESEA programs. The Department has developed a number of indicators to track improvements in instruction based on these new standards and assessments, including the implementation of research-based approaches in Title I schools and the progress of students, particularly those in high poverty Title I schools, in meeting challenging standards.

The percentage of all students performing at the proficient or advanced levels on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in core academic subjects will increase. (Goals 2000 plan, indicator 1.1)

Indicator background and context. The adoption and implementation of challenging content and student performance standards will help all students reach high levels of achievement.

Data source. NAEP, 1996.


By the end of the 1997-98 school year, all states will have challenging content and student performance standards in place for two or more core subjects. (Goal 1, indicator 8)

Indicator background and context. Almost all states have developed content standards. In 1997, 18 states sufficiently demonstrated that they met the requirement of developing both challenging content and student performance standards in at least reading/language arts and math. In 1998, 20 additional states will complete the development of standards, and by 2001, all states will have challenging content and student performance standards in place.

Data Source. Department of Education review of state standards and assessment development process, fall 1997.

By 2002, increasing percentages of the public and parents will be aware of the importance of challenging academic standards for all children, including at least the majority of parents from low-income families. (Goal 1, indicator 10)

Indicator background and context. The initial challenge for states is to develop high content and student performance standards. For students to reach higher levels of achievement, these standards must be implemented in the classroom; and the public, especially parents, must be made aware of standards. This indicator measures views of teachers about standards in the classroom and parental awareness of goals and standards.

Data source. Public Agenda, 1998

Verification/validation of performance measures: Independent validation of state-reported information on the quality of state standards will be obtained through peer reviews of state-reported processes and information and by reviews of standards by highly respected non-governmental organizations, such as the Council for Basic Education, Achieve, and the American Federation of Teachers. Public awareness and opinions on standards will be obtained through rigorously designed polls that meet acceptable statistical standards. The congressionally mandated Independent Review Panel for the National Assessment of Title I and the Federal Impact on Reform, supported by the Planning and Evaluation Service, will review the methodology of the studies, the findings of the evaluations, and the interpretation of results.


[Annual Performance on Objectives] [Table of Contents] [Objective 1.2]