U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) - 2003

CFDA Number: 84.133 - National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research

Goal 8: To conduct high-quality research that leads to high quality research products
Objective 8.1 of 4: Conduct high-quality research
Indicator 8.1.1 of 3: The percentage of grantee research that is deemed to be good to excellent as reflected in the appropriateness of the designs used and the rigor with which accepted standards of scientific and/or engineering methods are applied.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of research is deemed to be good or excellent in the appropriateness and rigor of experiment design and the rigor with which accepted standards of scientific and/or engineering methods are applied.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
2003   70
2004   70
2005   75
2006   75
2007   80

Explanation: This year's data are based on 28 summative program reviews conducted during FY 2002. The rigor of this evaluation program, which utilizes panels of experts in relevant program areas, has been significantly enhanced by an increasing emphasis on evaluation of outcomes resulting from funded research. Consequently, it is difficult to compare data to previous years. Centers that are focused on Engineering and Medicine achieved the highest research and development ratings. 86% of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers in topics related to health and function were rated at good or excellent.  
Source: Other
Other: Other.

Additional Source Information: RTI - web-based Annual Performance Reporting (APR) system & program review-type meetings

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: October 2003
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.

Improvements: Data are based upon ratings obtained from expert panels during reverse site visits. Extensive efforts have been made to ensure that centers being rated and experts serving as reviewers are conversant with the evidence based and outcomes oriented approaches to the review process.

Indicator 8.1.2 of 3: A significant percentage of new studies funded by NIDRR assess the effectiveness of interventions using rigorous and appropriate methods.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of new studies funded by NIDRR assess the effectiveness of interventions using rigorous and appropriate methods.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
2003   999

Explanation: In 2003 NIDRR will set a baseline for this indicator. The 2004 Target will be the baseline + 5%.  
Additional Source Information: RTI - APR web-based reporting system & program review -type meetings.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: January 2004
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.
Verified by scrutiny of reported publications by Dept. of Education staff.

Limitations: Data is based upon reports by the funded centers. Concerns have been raised about the potenital for under reporting. Methods to independently confirm publications are planned. The number of publications using the strict definitions employed are likely to fairly represent the productivity of centers in areas related to engineering and medicine. However, these definitions may not fully represent the productivity of centers in other areas.

Improvements: NIDRR is evaluating methods of assessing productivity that fairly represent all parts of the NIDRR grant portfolio.

Indicator 8.1.3 of 3: The number of publications based on NIDRR-funded research in refereed journals
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
The number of publications based on NIDRR-funded research in refereed journals
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
2003   8
2004   8
2005   10
2006   10
2007   10

Additional Source Information: RTI - APR reporting system


Objective 8.2 of 4: Disseminate and promote use of information on research findings, in accessible formats, to improve rehabilitation services and outcomes.
Indicator 8.2.1 of 1: Grantees deemed to be implementing a plan for widespread dissemination and utilization of validated research findings, developed with stakeholder input and based on measurable objectives, that is producing products and services at sufficient levels and in accessible formats and reaching targeted customers in sufficient numbers, including those from diverse and underserved populations
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
The percentage of grantees deemed to be implementing a plan for widespread dissemination and utilization of validated research findings, developed with stakeholder input and based on measurable objectives, that is producing products and services at sufficient levels and in accessible formats and reaching targeted customers in sufficient numbers, including those from diverse and underserved populations
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
2003   50
2004   55
2005   60
2006   65
2007   70

Additional Source Information: RTI - APR reporting system and program review-type meetings

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2001
Data Available: January 2002
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.


Objective 8.3 of 4: Ensure Utility of Research Problems and Products to End-Users
Indicator 8.3.1 of 2: Research and development projects conducted by NIDRR grantees deemed to be addressing problems or issues of "high relevance" to consumers and other end-users
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Published Papers and Presentations by NIDRR trainees and fellows that contribute to the study of rehabilitation
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
  Published Published
2003   999

Explanation: A baseline will be set in FY 2003. The FY 2004 target is 5 percent over the baseline. Out year targets will increase by five percentage points up to 80 percent.  
Source: Performance Report
Grantee Performance Report: 1820-0642 Annual Performance Reporting Forms for NIDRR Grantees (RERCs, RRTCs, DBTACs, DRRPs, Model Systems, Dissemination & Utillization Projects).
Program: NIDRR.

Additional Source Information: Triangulation of RTI -APR reporting system and program review-type meetings

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: October 2003
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.

Indicator 8.3.2 of 2: Consumer-oriented products and information disseminated by grantees based on NIDRR-funded research that is deemed to be of "high utility" by individuals with disabilities and other end-users
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Successful completion of planning tasks and conduct of capacity building and outreach conference. Participation of at least 25 individuals from currently funded entities and individuals from other eligible entities.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
2003   999

Explanation: A baseline will be set in FY 2003. The FY 2004 target is 5 percent over the baseline. Out year targets will increase by five percentage points up to 80 percent.  
Source: Other
Other: Other.

Additional Source Information: Qualitative ratings by a panel of consumers of consumer-oriented products and materials developed by grantees for dissemination.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: January 2002


Objective 8.4 of 4: Conduct performance evaluation to ensure program improvement and accountability for results
Indicator 8.4.1 of 1: The percentage of projects that are deemed to have an evaluation plan that is conducted on an ongoing basis and is tied to measurable objectives for assuring quality of implementation and efficient project management, and for assessing the relevance of products and services produced and the extent to which anticipated outcomes are being achieved
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
The percentage of projects that are deemed to have an evaluation plan that is conducted on an ongoing basis and is tied to measurable objectives for assuring quality of implementation and efficient project management, and for assessing the relevance of products and services produced and the extent to which anticipated outcomes are being achieved.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
2003   999

Explanation: A baseline will be set in FY 2003. TheFor FY 2004 target is 5 percent over the baseline. Out year targets will increase by five percentage points up to 70 percent.  
Source: Other
Other: Other.
Sponsor: National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research..

Additional Source Information: Triangulation of RTI - APR system and program review-type meetings

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2003
Data Available: July 2003
Validated By: On-Site Monitoring By ED.


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