Annual Report to Congress
Of the Office for Civil Rights
Fiscal Year 2006

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As in most years, the majority of complaints OCR received in FY 2006 alleged discrimination on the basis of disability (52 percent). Overall, the focus of complaints filed over the last several years has remained fairly consistent, with similar percentages of complaint receipts in each of the subject-matter jurisdictional areas.

Figures 2 through 8 below show the number and percentage of complaint receipts by jurisdiction for each fiscal year, 2000 through 2006. (Note, “other” includes mostly complaints over which OCR had no jurisdiction or that were referred to another agency.) Appendix B provides a breakout of complaint receipts by jurisdiction and by jurisdiction and OCR enforcement office.

Figure 2

Pie chart showing FY 2006 Complaint Caseload by Jurisdiction, 5,805 Reciepts. Disability 52% (3,025); Sex 6% (334); Race/National Origin 17% (998); Other 11% (612); Multiple 13% (750); Age 1% (86).

Figure 3

Pie chart showing FY 2005 Complaint Caseload by Jurisdiction, 5,533 Reciepts. Disability 52% (2,893); Sex 6% (319); Origin 18% (1,012); Other 9% (521); Multiple 13% (706); Age 1% (82).

Figure 4

Pie chart showing FY 2004 Complaint Caseload by Jurisdiction, 5,044 Reciepts. Disability 51% (2,624); Sex 6% (283); Race/National Origin 19% (946); Other 11% (537); Multiple 12% (583); Age 1% (71).

Figure 5

Pie chart showing FY 2003 Complaint Caseload by Jurisdiction, 5,141 Reciepts. Disability 52% (2,657); Sex 7% (335); Race/National Origin 19% (978); Other 9% (476); Multiple 12% (622); Age 1% (73).

Figure 6

Pie chart showing FY 2002 Complaint Caseload by Jurisdiction, 5,019 Reciepts. Disability 54% (2,701); Sex 7% (353); Race/National Origin 18% (885); Other 8% (385); Multiple 12% (620); Age 1% (75).

Figure 7

Pie chart showing FY 2001 Complaint Caseload by Jurisdiction, 4,571 Reciepts. Disability 53% (2,462); Sex 7% (313); Race/National Origin 19% (850); Other 7% (299); Multiple 13% (599); Age 1% (48).

Figure 8

Pie chart showing FY 2000 Complaint Caseload by Jurisdiction, 4,897 Reciepts. Disability 55% (2,693); Sex 8% (396); Race/National Origin 18% (870); Other 7% (336); Multiple 11% (541); Age 1% (61).

The number of complaints indicated on the chart as received in each of the jurisdictions represents those complaints that were “purely” within that jurisdiction. Those complaints that contained, for example, allegations of both sex and race discrimination, are counted in the “Multiple” section. With this in mind, the following represents the total number of complaints, received in FY 2006, that contained allegations in each of the jurisdictions, including in those complaints that contained allegations in the “Multiple” jurisdiction category.

Title VI: 1,585 complaints received containing race discrimination allegations (including 998 complaints that contained only Title VI issues)

Title IX: 670 complaints received containing sex discrimination allegations (including 334 complaints that contained only Title IX issues)

Section 504/Title II: 3,511 complaints received containing disability discrimination allegations (including 3,025 complaints that contained only Section 504/Title II issues)

Age Discrimination Act: 359 complaints received containing age discrimination allegations (including 86 complaints that contained only Age Discrimination Act issues)

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Last Modified: 11/01/2007