OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education
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Free Web Site Launched To Help Immigrants Learn English The U.S. Department of Education today launched a free Web site,, to help immigrants learn English and in so doing, provide 11 million adults who have the lowest levels of English proficiency with easily accessible English language training. "America's limited-English adults will now have readily available materials to improve their literacy and help them become more productive workers, better parents, engaged community members and active citizens," said Troy R. Justesen, assistant secretary for the Office of Vocational and Adult Education. Launch of the site completes a goal set by President Bush in his August 10, 2007 announcement of initiatives to address border security and immigration challenges in the United States--a plan to have the U.S. Department of Education develop and launch a free, Web-based portal to help immigrants learn English to help them expand their opportunities and make effective contributions to American society. For more information, please consult the fact sheet download files PDF and press release.

Adult Basic Education (ABE) Career Connections download files MS Word (523KB) | PDF (108KB).
Five local ABE programs are participating in an OVAE funded project to assist adults to transition from ABE to occupational pathways in high demand fields. Each site received $75,000 to enhance efforts to increase adults' access to postsecondary education by linking ABE programs to existing postsecondary career pathways.

Transitioning English Language Learners (TELL) project download files MS WORD (526KB) | PDF (92KB) is obtaining detailed, data-rich descriptions regarding the state of practice in assisting adult English language learners in improving reading and writing skills so that they can complete a high school equivalency program.

The Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE), has announced the selection of six states that will participate in the second Standards-in-Action (SIA) pilot project. download files MS Word (525KB) PDF (107KB)
The six states include: Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia. Standards in Action is producing new training materials to improve the capacity of adult education programs to use content standards as guidelines for instructional practice and program improvement.

For information on other topics in adult education and literacy, see also the following specific topic pages:

The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act provides the Department with funds to conduct national activities. OVAE uses these funds to conduct activities intended to promote the continuous improvement of adult education services. To learn more about these national activities, see OVAE Fact Sheet Series on National Activities

Additional Adult Education Related Links include relevant organizations and centers, useful resources, and journals or periodicals pertaining to adult education and literacy.

New Bridges to Opportunity: Federal Adult Education Programs For the 21st Century A report to the President on Executive Order 13445. (PDF 2.36MB)

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Last Modified: 11/07/2008