No Child Left Behind: A Desktop Reference
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Community Technology Centers (V-D-11)


Increasing community access to technology and opportunities to enhance technological proficiency supports learning inside and outside the classroom as well as broader community improvement. Access to computers and the Internet in the community is particularly important for low-income students and adults. In 2000, 21 percent of children used the Internet at home for school-related tasks, but many children and adults do not have access to computers and the Internet outside of school.

The Community Technology Centers program promotes the development of model programs that demonstrate the educational effectiveness of technology in urban and rural areas and economically distressed communities.

How It Works

Eligible applicants for these up-to three-year grants include nonprofit organizations, for-profit businesses, institutions of higher education, school districts, or consortia of these entities that have the capacity to significantly expand access to computers and related services for disadvantaged residents of economically distressed urban and rural communities who would otherwise lack such access.

Key Requirements

The federal share of the cost of any funded project cannot exceed 50 percent. Grantees must use funds to create or expand community technology centers and to evaluate the project's effectiveness.

How It Achieves Quality

Applicants must demonstrate the need for services, commitment to the project, and its sustainability. A plan for evaluation of the program, including benchmarks to monitor progress, is required.

How Performance Is Measured

State education agencies may:

  • Cooperate in implementing this program
  • Submit applications for funding special initiatives where deemed appropriate.

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Last Modified: 09/14/2007