


Since June 6, 2002, the U.S. Department of Education has awarded 28 grants worth $205 million to 19 grant recipients. As of September 30, 2007, the cumulative accomplishments of these grantees include:

Of the 207 charter schools that have received credit enhancement through the program, five have gone into either actual or technical default. However, only one of these defaults has resulted in an actual loss in funds of just $135,000. The default rate over the life of the program is

These low default rates, combined with earnings on the grant funds, enable grantees to

The amount of outstanding grant funds has grown from $205 million to $214 million as a result of earnings on the grant funds.

Implementation of the Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program: Final Report (2008) examines implementation of the Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program and documents loan activities facilitated by the program. The program makes grants to eligible public entities to help absorb some of the risk of making loans to charter schools to finance suitable facilities. The study focuses on the nine organizations that received grants in FY 2002 through FY 2004. It draws on information from program applications and annual performance reports; secondary data sources; and discussions with grantees, unsuccessful applicants, charter school facilities lenders, and nine schools assisted by grantees.

Success Stories

Program Highlights of Charter Schools Served Through the Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program

Last Modified: 12/10/2008