PPSS - NAVE Independent Advisory Panel Members

Naomi Nightingale
(Panel Chair)
LA Metropolitan Transit Authority
Stephen Hamilton
Cornell University
Paul Cole
(Panel Co-Vice Chair)
New York State, AFL-CIO
James Jacobs
Macomb Community College
Russ McCampbell
(Panel Co-Vice Chair)
Missouri State Director of Vocational Education
Jack Jennings
Center on Education Policy
Karl Anderson
Saturn Corporation
Dale Kalkofen
Associate Superintendent for School Reform
Memphis City Schools
June Atkinson
North Carolina State Director of Vocational Education
Chris King
LBJ School
University of Texas at Austin
John Bishop
Cornell University
JoAnn Kister
Ohio State Director of Vocational and Adult Education
Gene Bottoms
Southern Regional Education Board
Mark Milliron
Oracle Corporation
Betsy Brand
American Youth Policy Forum
Katherine Oliver
Maryland State Superintendent of Career Technology and Adult Learning
Jay Cummings
Assistant to Texas Commissioner of Education
Robert Runkle
Director, Berks County Career and Technology Center
Philip Day, Jr.
City College of San Francisco
Tony Sarmiento
James Folkening
Postsecondary Services
Michigan Department of Education
Ellen O'Brien Saunders
Director, Workforce Training and Education Board
Washington State

Last Modified: 07/13/2005