List of EDWeb Pages That Link to Remote ED-Funded Sites For Metadata Placeholders

This page exists to provide a starting point for the search engine spider so that it will index pages that exist solely to provide a home for ED Web metadata that describes remote ED-funded sites.

Each file/page hosts metadata describing an individual site or a significant resource within a site, so that the site will be available to customers who search for resources with its characteristics. Using the metadata and the search engine capabilities the Nofollow directives prevent the search engine from actually going to the remote site and the OverrideURL attribute overwrites the URL from this directory to the remote site.

Comprehensive Regional Assistance Centers (CC)
Congressional Information
ED Information, Misc.
Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
Education Resources Organizations Directory (EROD)
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse and Regional Consortia
Equity Assistance Centers
External College Information
Federal Resources
Federal Student Aid Information
Foreign Language Resource Centers
Funding from Other Federal Sources
Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM)
Government-wide Portal Websites
Law and Policy Information
National Research and Development Centers
NCES Information
Other ED-Supported sites
Regional Educational Laboratories
Regional Resource and Federal Centers Network for Special Education
Regional Technology in Education Consortia (R*TEC)
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Star Schools Program Sites
Teaching Information
Vocational and Adult Education and Literacy

This page last modified November 20, 2008 (ajs).