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ECS to Host New England Regional Meeting

ECS is hosting a New England regional meeting in Boston on January 9-10. Sponsored by The Nellie Mae Education Foundation, the meeting will feature remarks by Ken Kay, president of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and CEO and founder of e-Luminate Group. Different pathways for successful high school graduation will be discussed along with creating smooth transitions to college and the workforce. Participants will gather from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.

ECS Highlights Tools to Strengthen High School Transitions and Success

Today the Education Commission of the States (ECS) goes live with three new resources focused on policies to ensure academic success in high school. The policy briefs build on research suggesting the 9th-grade transition year, along with parental engagement and teacher preparation, are critical to academic success in and after high school.

Read the full press release.

top education news "Early-Literacy Findings Unveiled"
EDUCATION WEEK (premium article access compliments of edweek.org)
Teaching young children about letters and sounds before they begin formal schooling helps them develop a broad range of literacy skills deemed essential to learning to read later on, according to a report by a panel of experts. Other popular approaches in early-literacy instruction,such as teaching parents to teach skills and concepts of print, reading to children, and literacy and language instruction in preschool and kindergarten classrooms, also are effective.

See all of today's e-Clips stories

factoid on ed policy
students Earnings Based on Gender

With few exceptions, females earn less than males with similar levels of educational attainment. For all levels of education, average earnings of females between the ages of 30 and 44 range from 51% of those of males in Korea to 89% in Slovenia.

Source: Education at a Glance 2008: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Indicators



Strong Leaders, Strong Achievement
Model Policy for Producing the Leaders to Drive Student Success

A good deal of research in the area of leadership has helped to generate broad agreement on what constitutes a comprehensive leadership program or policy. Positive measures such as the Educational Leadership Policy Standards (Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium, or ISLLC) have helped inform the development and improvement of many leadership programs and policies. The risk, however, is that in implementing a "comprehensive" set of standards or requirements, those elements noted by research as most critical to improving achievement can simply become another box on a check-off list. The purpose of this brief is to help reduce that risk by focusing on those factors most closely linked to student success.



Link Investment in Education to Economic Health
Kathy Christie, ECS Chief of Staff
(reprinted with permission from Phi Delta Kappan, December 2008 issue)

Several states are trying to improve education and training so they match business needs and the labor pool. In contrast to much of this year’s frightening economic news, many states are investing in initiatives to strengthen local economies.
Read the full column.


Want to Get High School Students Back on Track?
How are states getting young adults back on the road to graduation? Find answers using these new ECS products:

  • An adolescent literacy database, identifying states with a focus on literacy skills in grades 4-12

  • Highlights of promising state approaches to get high school students caught up

  • A report describing state strategies to help former dropouts earn a high school diploma

Progress of education reform

A Growing Population
Hispanic students in U.S. schools and the implications for American education

This issue of The Progress of Education Reform looks at three recent research studies on academic success for Hispanic students and offers insights on strategies that show promise in promoting greater educational attainment for Hispanic students.

See previous issues of The Progress of Education Reform



ecs statenotes

See all StateNotes

Adolescent Literacy (September 2008)

Virtual High Schools (August 2008)

State Funding Programs for High-Cost Special Education Students (May 2008)

School Prayer, Moment of Silence, Other Policies Concerning Religion (March 2008)

State Education Governance Models (March 2008)

Issues in Funding Early & Middle College High Schools (March 2008)

Cost Per-Day for Extended School Year (Feb. 2008)



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