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See the new NCEF webpage for the latest information on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Includes a comparison of the House and Senate bills, suggestions for What You Can Do Now, links to current news, and a list of resources that may be of special interest to recipients of economic stimulus funds.
Proposed Funding for Education in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
The Congressional Research Service analyzes the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Provides estimated state allocations of selected proposed House Stimulus Funds, including K-12 school construction.
Good Buildings, Better Schools: An Economic Stimulus Opportunity.
Advocates federal spending to improve the condition of school buildings, noting the respective short- and long-term economic benefits of construction industry promotion and an improved learning environment. Includes an examination of the size and condition of the U.S. school inventory, a discussion of the importance of school facility quality, details on how capital investment in schools can improve local economies and close achievement gaps between low- and higher-income students.
School Infrastructure Funding Need.
New research study tracks the current level of school infrastructure funding in all 50 states. The report concludes that the total estimated national need is approximately $254.6 billion, The study also examines the nature and impact of recent court cases that have addressed school infrastructure. Includes major policy recommendations that the federal government assume a strong leadership role and direct funding to states.
2009 Report Card for America's Infrastructure
School facilities receive a grade of "D" in the American Society of Civil Engineers' latest report card on the state of America's infrastructure. This grade is unchanged from the last (2005) ASCE report card.
Resource Lists
Subject-specific resources on more than 140 school facilities topics. Each list includes descriptions of books, studies, reports, and journal articles, as well as links to online publications and websites.
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NCEF Safe School Facilities Checklist
Download a customized checklist for assessing the safety and security of your school.
School Construction Costs
Current, forecast, and historical data about U.S. school construction.
School Construction Costs
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