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We have listed a few resource Web sites for your information.
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European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Training

Directorate General for Education and Culture is FIPSE's European funding partner. This site on EC-U.S. cooperation contains lists of EC-US funded projects and the most recently published application materials. EU-U.S. Fulbright program information is located here, as well as links to the Socrates, Leonardo, and Tempus initiatives.

European Union EU-U.S. Program Web Site

This is the European Union home page for the EU-U.S. program Web site.

The United States Mission to the European Union

This is the official Web site of the U.S. government to the European Union. It contains a wealth of information about current issues, particularly in the areas of political and economic policy. One section is devoted to EC-U.S. educational opportunities.

The European Union in the United States

This is the official Web site of the Delegation of the European Commission to the United States. The site has sections devoted to news, publications, policies and legislation, and national profiles. It is a good resource for contemporary issues on the European Union.

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

The system whereby students transfer academic credits among European institutions of higher education has been in existence since 1988. The membership list of institutions that use this system is very extensive. The site has explanations of how the system works. It offers a working system of international credit transfers.

Center for Global Education

The Center for Global Education is partially funded by FIPSE to provide information on study abroad. This Web site is useful for grantees interested in safety issues, visa requirements, and other administrative issues involved with setting up an international program.

International Initiatives at the Office of Postsecondary Education

The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Postsecondary Education offers a number of other international funding opportunities to the higher education community.

The International Education Site

The International Education site aims to provide information and application services for students who are considering studying abroad.

Advice for Participants in Study Abroad Programs

This comprehensive Web site includes a useful handbook as a guide for students going abroad., including cultural differences, health issues, legal issues, documents, costs, just to name a few topics. Another comprehensive guide for all sorts of study abroad programs at the undergraduate and graduate level and for varying lengths of time is published by the same people who bring you Peterson's Guide. Click on

Council on International Educational Exchange

This very inclusive Web site lists a large number of study abroad opportunities for all levels of study. Resources are grouped under five geographic headings. There is also a section of the Web site devoted to "Safety Abroad" issues.

Institute of International Education

This Web site features information about educational exchange programs, fellowships, and statistical and policy research. A comprehensive guide to study abroad programs, Open Doors,is published annually and is available online. This site also contains information about Fulbright fellowships for U.S. and international students and scholars.



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Last Modified: 10/27/2008