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Legislation, Regulations and Guidance -- Business and International Education Program (Mar 10, 2009)
This page provides statutes, regulations, legislation, and policy guidance for the Business and International Education Program.
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Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance - Master's Degree Programs at Predominantly Black Institutions (Feb 13, 2009)
This page lists statutes, regulations, legislation, policy guidance, and flexibility provisions for the Master's Degree Programs at Predominantly Black Institutions Program.
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Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance - Master's Degree Programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (Jan 14, 2009)
This page lists statutes, regulations, legislation, policy guidance, and flexibility provisions for the Master's Degree Programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program.
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Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance - Predominantly Black Institutions Undergraduate Program (CCRAA) (Nov 06, 2008)
This page lists statutes, regulations, legislation, policy guidance, and flexibility provisions for the Predominantly Black Institutions Undergraduate Program created by the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007.
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HEOA - Public Hearing for Negotiated Rulemaking - Transcript of the October 15, 2008 Session (PDF) (Oct 29, 2008)
This page provides a transcript of the public hearing held at Cuyahoga Community College for negotiated rulemaking to implement the Higher Education Opportunity Act - 2008. (PDF)
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Presenters - HEOA Public Hearing, Cuyahoga Community College, 10-15-08 (MS Excel) (Oct 29, 2008)
This page provides a list of presenters at the public hearing held at Cuyahoga Community College for negotiated rulemaking to implement the Higher Education Opportunity Act - 2008. (MS Excel)
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Presenters - HEOA Public Hearing, Cuyahoga Community College, 10-15-08 (PDF) (Oct 29, 2008)
This page provides a list of presenters at the public hearing held at Cuyahoga Community College for negotiated rulemaking to implement the Higher Education Opportunity Act - 2008. (PDF)
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HEOA - Public Hearing for Negotiated Rulemaking - Transcript of the October 15, 2008 Session (MS Word) (Oct 29, 2008)
This page provides a transcript of the public hearing held at Cuyahoga Community College for negotiated rulemaking to implement the Higher Education Opportunity Act - 2008. (MS Word)
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HEOA - Public Hearing for Negotiated Rulemaking - Transcript of the October 8, 2008 Session (MS Word) (Oct 23, 2008)
This page provides a transcript of the public hearing held in Washington, DC, for negotiated rulemaking to implement the Higher Education Opportunity Act - 2008. (MS Word)
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Presenters - HEOA Public Hearing, Washington DC, 10-08-08 (MS Excel) (Oct 23, 2008)
This page provides a list of presenters at the public hearing held in Washington, DC, for negotiated rulemaking to implement the Higher Education Opportunity Act - 2008. (MS Excel)
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formatted as HTML document (210)
of type Federal Register Notices (179)
about Higher Education (142)
of type Requests for Comment (135)
Free, No Restrictions (121)
Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) (109)
for State Education Agencies (102)
for Institutions of Higher Education (99)
of type Regulatory Materials (95)
for Local Education Agencies (85)