Grant Award Database Information

Welcome to the U.S. Department of Education Grant Award Database. The database contains information on U.S. Department of Education grant/cooperative-agreement awards for the most recent fiscal years. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated. For problems, comments, or suggestions, Email to George Wagner at george.wagner@ed.gov.

Recent Change to the Database

In the Summary Report section, three additional reports have been added: Continuation and Supplemental Awards by CFDA Subprogram, Largest Awards, and Largest New Awards.

Five Ways to Search for Grant Awards

  • Pick List Search - search for grant awards by selecting (picking) from lists of actual data (up to 10 selections per list).
  • Text Search - search for awards using a particular text string, such as zip code
  • Date Search - search for awards made in a date range
  • Abstract Search - search awards with abstracts
  • Summary Reports - find summary award information by state and grant program. Also find large dollar individual grants.

Pick List Search

There are five pre-set pick list searches and one customizable pick list search. After each pick list selection is run, the next pick list is shown along with the results table from the previous selection at the bottom of the page. Additional pick list selections will reduce the size of the results set. Up to 10 items can be selected on a pick list.

On the results page, see more detail about a grant award by clicking on the link (grantee name) in a grant's row. To re-sort the results, click on a link in the column header row. The results on up to 1, 000 awards can be downloaded and saved on an Excel spreadsheet or 500 awards on a CSV file by clicking the Excel or CSV buttons above the results table.

Pick list search example: find CFDA subprogram 84.044A (Trio - Talent Search) grant awards in Florida for FY 2007.

  • Select pre-set pick list 1 (order of pick list is fiscal year, CFDA, state, grantee name).
  • Select fiscal year 2007 and click Run Search button.
  • Scroll down CFDA list, select 84.044A and click Refine Search button.
  • Scroll down state list, select Florida and click Refine Search button. There are only 15 results at this point. Scroll down to the bottom of results screen to see the results.
  • Click on grantee name link to see more detail about an award.

The customizable pick list allows you to create different sequences of selections. To create a new order, select the data type then move it up in the order by clicking on the arrows to the right of the pick list order box. When the first 5 selections are in order, click the Apply Custom Order button.

Text Search

Search for awards with a specific word or characters, such as the ED grant number or a zip code. First, select the data field to search; then search operator ("field contains", "starts with", "does not contain"); enter text string (right box), and run the search. View the results and/or add additional criteria to narrow the results.

On the results page, see more detail about a grant award by clicking on the link (grantee name) in a grant's row. To re-sort the results, click on a link in the column header row. The results on up to 1, 000 awards can be downloaded and saved on an Excel spreadsheet or 500 awards on a CSV file by clicking the Excel or CSV buttons above the results table.

Text search example: find grant award with ED grant number P047A080575.

  • In left box, select ED grant number as the field to search.
  • In center box, select "contains" as search operator.
  • In right box, enter P047A080575 as text value.
  • Click View Data button.
  • Scroll down to results table, and click on link to see more detail on the award.

Date Search

Find awards made within a specific award date range. Enter the start and end dates (format: MM/DD/YYYY) of the range (or use the calendar buttons beside the start and end date boxes), then click the View Data button to run the search. Use the CFDA Subprogram pick list to narrow the results further or scroll down to the results table.

In the results table, see more detail about a grant award by clicking on the link (ED grant number) in a grant's row. To re-sort the results, click on a link in the column header row. The results on up to 1, 000 awards can be downloaded and saved on an Excel spreadsheet or 500 awards on a CSV file by clicking the Excel or CSV buttons above the results table.

Date search example: find grant awards made in early March 2008 in the 84.021A program (Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad).

  • For range start date, enter 3/1/2008.
  • For range end date, enter 3/15/2008.
  • Click View Data button.
  • Select 84.021A on CFDA subprogram pick list and click View Data button.
  • Scroll down to see results table, and click on link (ED grant number) to see more detail on an award.

Abstract Search

Search for grant awards based on terms in the abstract description. This search is limited to grants with abstracts online (about 3% of the grants at this time).

To begin: select a fiscal year; then enter the search term(s) in the search criteria text box; and click the Execute Search button. If necessary to limit the results, use the state and CFDA subprogram pick lists. Note that states and CFDA subprograms may be shown in the pick list which don't have abstracts online.

In the results table, see more detail about a grant award by clicking on either link (Grantee Name or More) in a grant's row. To re-sort the results, click on a link in the column header row. The results on up to 1, 000 awards can be downloaded and saved on an Excel spreadsheet or 500 awards on a CSV file by clicking the Excel or CSV buttons above the results table.

Abstract search example: find grant awards in FY 2007 that use the phrase Native American in the abstract.

  • For fiscal year, select 2007.
  • For search criteria, select "the phrase" in the left box.
  • In the right box, put the words: Native American.
  • Click Execute Search button
  • Scroll down to see results table, and click on Grantee Name link or More link to see the remainder of the abstract and more detail on an award.

Summary Reports

Use the summary reports to obtain information on ED grant award and amount totals by state, by type (discretionary or formula), by CFDA subprogram, or by new or continuation/supplement in a CFDA subprogram.

To run a report, make a couple of choices (fiscal year or state or report type), and click the Run Report button. The report will appear in a separate window for viewing or printing.

Information on the Database

  • Updates. The database is updated monthly as a rule; the date of the most recent complete day of awards included in the database is shown by the database last updated date on the main menu.

  • Consolidated Information. In the database, only one record per grant is shown for grants receiving funds during a Federal fiscal year (Oct. 1 of one year to Sept. 30 of the next year). If a grant received multiple awards during the fiscal year, the total amount and latest award date are shown. Inclusion is based on the award date of the action, not the fiscal year of the funds.

  • Grants Included/Not Included. While most Education Department grant/assistance awards are included in the database, a few programs such as the Impact Aid formula awards and Federal Student Aid (FSA) Awards, except for LEAP and SLEAP programs, are not included.

  • Recommended Browsers. For best viewing of the database, use 5.x level or above Windows or Netscape browsers. We have noted problems using the Date Search with earlier Netscape browsers.
  • Information on Each Award

  • Recipient Name
  • Address
  • Federal Amount Awarded - If multiple awards were made to a grant during a fiscal year (FY), the total amount is shown.
  • Award Date (format: MDY). If multiple awards, the most recent award date is shown.
  • Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Number (CFDA) Program and Sub-Program ID
  • Title of CFDA Subprogram
  • Award Type - Discretionary or Formula
  • Grantee Project Director
  • Project Director Phone
  • Project Dates (MDY format) - Start and End Dates
  • ED Grant Number
  • ED Program Office - ED Sponsoring Program Office (See Office table).
  • Congressional District - (A code of "99" in this field indicates a zip code with multiple Congressional districts)
  • Unit ID - Code assigned to postsecondary degree-granting institutions by the Education Department
  • Sector Code - Sector of postsecondary degree-granting institution based on response from the Institutional Characteristics Survey
  • Sector Text - Translation for Sector Code
  • HBCU Indicator - "Yes " indicates a Historically Black College or University
  • Tribal Indicator - "Yes " indicates a Tribally-run degree-granting institution (based on IC survey).
  • HSI Indicator - "Yes " indicates a Hispanic Serving Institution
  • Fiscal Year - Federal Fiscal Year of the Award Date
  • Abstract - Abstract of the project

ED Grant Number Breakdown

The grant number indicates the ED sponsoring office, CFDA subprogram, and initial fiscal year of a grant. For example, grant number R215V080002 would be broken down as follows:

  • R - Sponsoring program office code (R=OERI)
  • 215 - CFDA (84.215)
  • V - Subprogram identifier
  • 08 - Fiscal year of initial award (FY 2008)
  • 0002 - Unique application identifier.

ED Office Codes and Abbreviations (link to web site)

ED Office Office Abbreviation Code
Institute of Education Sciences IES R
Office of English Language Acquisition
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education OESE S
Office of Innovation and Improvement OII U
Office of Postsecondary Education OPE P
Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools OSDFS Q
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services OSERS H
Office of Vocational and Adult Education OVAE V
National Institute for Literacy (Indep. Org. Affiliated with ED) NIL X

Link to Grant Award Database or ED Grant Awards page

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Last Modified: 04/30/2008