Archived Information

Current information about this program can be found under the Education Research program.

CFDA Number: 84.305E
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants

The Institute intends for the Education Finance, Leadership, and Management (Finance/Management) research program to address five goals (1) identifying finance, leadership, and management practices that are potentially effective for enhancing the teaching and learning environment and thereby improving student outcomes (e.g., student learning, high school graduation and dropout rates); (2) developing new finance, leadership, and management practices; (3) evaluating the efficacy of finance, leadership, and management practices; (4) providing evidence on the effectiveness of finance, leadership, and management practices implemented at scale; and (5) developing and testing cost accounting tools and measurement systems that will enable education administrators to link student-level resources to student-level achievement data.

Last Modified: 10/24/2006