[Federal Register: January 23, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 15)]
[Proposed Rules]               
[Page 3365-3368]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]
[[pp. 3365-3368]] Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and 
Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants)

[[Continued from page 3364]]

[[Page 3365]]

6101 note); E.O. 12549 (3 CFR, 1986 Comp., p. 189); E.O. 12689 (3 
CFR, 1989 Comp., p. 235).

    2. Part 2542 is further amended as set forth below.
    a. ``[Agency noun]'' is removed and ``Corporation'' is added in its 
place wherever it occurs.
    b. ``[Agency adjective]'' is removed and ``Corporation'' is added 
in its place wherever it occurs.
    c. ``[Agency head or designee]'' is removed and ``Corporation Chief 
Executive Officer or designee'' is added in its place wherever it 
    3. Section 2542.440 is added to read as follows:

Sec. 2542.440  What method do I use to communicate requirements to 

    To communicate the requirements, you must include a term or 
condition in the transaction requiring the participant's compliance 
with subpart C of this part and requiring them to include a similar 
term or condition in lower-tier covered transactions.
    4. Part 2545 is added to read as set forth in instruction 2 at the 
end of the common preamble.


Subpart A--Purpose and Coverage
2545.100  What does this part do?
2545.105  Does this part apply to me?
2545.110  Are any of my Federal assistance awards exempt from this 
2545.115  Does this part affect the Federal contracts that I 
Subpart B--Requirements for Recipients Other Than Individuals
2545.200  What must I do to comply with this part?
2545.205  What must I include in my drug-free workplace statement?
2545.210  To whom must I distribute my drug-free workplace 
2545.215  What must I include in my drug-free awareness program?
2545.220  By when must I publish my drug-free workplace statement 
and establish my drug-free awareness program?
2545.225  What actions must I take concerning employees who are 
convicted of drug violations in the workplace?
2545.230  How and when must I identify workplaces?
Subpart C--Requirements for Recipients Who Are Individuals
2545.300  What must I do to comply with this part if I am an 
individual recipient?
2545.301  [Reserved]
Subpart D--Responsibilities of Corporation Awarding Officials
2545.400  What are my responsibilities as a Corporation awarding 
Subpart E--Violations of This Part and Consequences
2545.500  How are violations of this part determined for recipients 
other than individuals?
2545.505  How are violations of this part determined for recipients 
who are individuals?
2545.510  What actions will the Federal Government take against a 
recipient determined to have violated this part?
2545.515  Are there any exceptions to those actions?
Subpart F--Definitions
2545.605  Award.
2545.610  Controlled substance.
2545.615  Conviction.
2545.620  Cooperative agreement.
2545.625  Criminal drug statute.
2545.630  Debarment.
2545.635  Drug-free workplace.
2545.640  Employee.
2545.645  Federal agency or agency.
2545.650  Grant.
2545.655  Individual.
2545.660  Recipient.
2545.665  State.
2545.670  Suspension.

    Authority: 41 U.S.C. 701, et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 12644 and 12651(c).

    5. Part 2545 is further amended as set forth below.
    a. ``[Agency noun]'' is removed and ``Corporation'' is added in its 
place wherever it occurs.
    b. ``[Agency adjective]'' is removed and ``Corporation'' is added 
in its place wherever it occurs.
    c. ``[Agency head or designee]'' is removed and ``Corporation Chief 
Executive Officer or designee'' is added in its place wherever it 
    d. ``[Agency head]'' is removed and ``Corporation Chief Executive 
Officer'' is added in its place wherever it occurs.
    6. Section 2545.510(c) is further amended by removing ``[CFR 
citation for the Federal Agencies' regulations implementing Executive 
Order 12549 and Executive Order 12689]'' and adding ``45 CFR part 
2542'' in its place.
    7. Section 2545.605(a)(2) is further amended by removing ``[Agency-
specific CFR citation]'' and adding ``45 CFR part 2541'' in its place.


49 CFR Parts 29 and 32

RIN 2105-AD07

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ladd Hakes, Office of the Senior 
Procurement Executive (M-62), 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 
20590, (202) 366-4268, e-mail: ladd.hakes@ost.dot.gov.

debarment and suspension exception authority by including a paragraph 
(c) in Sec. 29.120 to allow any DOT debarring or suspending official to 
grant exceptions and make written determinations under that section. In 
addition, Sec. 29.440 proposes to use terms or conditions to the award 
transactions as a means to enforce exclusions under DOT transactions 
rather than written certifications. This alternative available under 
the common rule is more efficient that DOT's current certification 
process for prospective recipients and participants. This part also 
proposes to add a paragraph (d) to Sec. 29.520 requiring DOT officials, 
when providing information to GSA, to include their Operating 
Administration identifying code. This part also proposes to add a 
paragraph (b) to the definitions of a ``debarring official'' at 
Sec. 29.935 and ``suspending official'' at Sec. 29.1010 to include the 
head of a Departmental operating administration, with downward 
delegation authority. Finally, this proposed rule relocates the 
requirements for maintaining a drug-free workplace from 49 CFR part 29 
to 49 CFR part 32.

List of Subjects

49 CFR Part 29

    Administrative practice and procedure, Government contracts, Grant 
programs, Loan programs, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

49 CFR Part 32

    Administrative practice and procedure, Drug abuse, Grant programs, 
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    Approved: November 2, 2001.
Norman Y. Mineta,
Secretary of Transportation.

    For the reasons stated in the common preamble, the Department of 
Transportation proposes to amend 49 CFR chapter I, as follows:
    1. Part 29 is revised to read as set forth in instruction 1 at the 
end of the common preamble.


29.25   How is this part organized?
29.50   How is this part written?
29.75   Do terms in this part have special meanings?
Subpart A--General
29.100   What does this part do?
29.105   Does this part apply to me?
29.110   What is the purpose of the nonprocurement debarment and 
suspension system?

[[Page 3366]]

29.115   How does an exclusion restrict a person's involvement in 
covered transactions?
29.120   May we grant an exception to let an excluded person 
participate in a covered transaction?
29.125   Does an exclusion under the nonprocurement system affect a 
person's eligibility to participate in Federal procurement 
29.130   Does an exclusion under the Federal procurement system 
affect a person's eligibility to participate in nonprocurement 
29.135   May DOT exclude a person who is not currently participating 
in a nonprocurement transaction?
29.140   How do I know if a person is excluded?
29.145   Does this part cover persons who are disqualified as well 
as those who are excluded from nonprocurement transactions?
Subpart B--Covered Transactions
29.200   What is a covered transaction?
29.205   Why is it important to know if a particular transaction is 
a covered transaction?
29.210   Which nonprocurement transactions are covered transactions?
29.215   Which nonprocurement transactions are not covered 
29.220   Are any procurement contracts included as covered 
29.225   How do I know if a transaction that I may participate in is 
a covered transaction?
Subpart C--Responsibilities of Participants Regarding Transactions

Doing Business With Other Persons

29.300   May I enter into a covered transaction with an excluded or 
disqualified person?
29.305   What must I do if a Federal agency excludes a person with 
whom I am already doing business in a covered transaction?
29.310   May I use the services of an excluded person under a 
covered transaction?
29.315   Must I verify that principals of my covered transactions 
are eligible to participate?
29.320   What happens if I do business with an excluded person in a 
covered transaction?
29.325   What requirements must I pass down to persons at lower 
tiers with whom I intend to do business?

Disclosing Information--Primary Tier Participants

29.330   What information must I provide before entering into a 
covered transaction with DOT?
29.335   If I disclose unfavorable information required under 
Sec. 29.330 will I be prevented from entering into the transaction?
29.340   What happens if I fail to disclose the information required 
under Sec. 29.330?
29.345   What must I do if I learn of the information required under 
Sec. 29.330 after entering into a covered transaction with DOT?

Disclosing Information--Lower Tier Participants

29.350   What information must I provide to a higher tier 
participant before entering into a covered transaction with that 
29.355   What happens if I fail to disclose the information required 
under Sec. 29.350?
29.360   What must I do if I learn of information required under 
Sec. 29.350 after entering into a covered transaction with a higher 
tier participant?
Subpart D--Responsibilities of DOT Officials Regarding Transactions
29.400   May I enter into a transaction with an excluded or 
disqualified person?
29.405   May I enter into a covered transaction with a participant 
if a principal of the transaction is excluded?
29.410   May I approve a participant's use of the services of an 
excluded person?
29.415   What must I do if a Federal agency excludes the participant 
or a principal after I enter into a covered transaction?
29.420   May I approve a transaction with an excluded or 
disqualified person at a lower tier?
29.425   When do I check to see if a person is excluded or 
29.430   How do I check to see if a person is excluded or 
29.435   What must I require of a primary tier participant?
29.440   What method do I use to communicate those requirements to 
29.445   What action may I take if a primary tier participant 
knowingly does business with an excluded or disqualified person?
29.450   What action may I take if a primary tier participant fails 
to disclose the information required under Sec. 29.330?
29.455   What may I do if a lower tier participant fails to disclose 
the information required under Sec. 29.350 to the next higher tier?
Subpart E--Governmentwide List of Parties Excluded or Disqualified From 
Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement Programs
29.500   What is the purpose of the List?
29.505   Who uses the List?
29.510   Who maintains the List?
29.515   What specific information is on the List?
29.520   Who gives the GSA the information that it puts on the List?
29.525   Whom do I ask if I have questions about a person on the 
29.530   Where can I get the List?
Subpart F--General Principles Relating to Suspension and Debarment 
29.600   How do suspension and debarment actions start?
29.605   How does suspension differ from debarment?
29.610   What procedures does DOT use in suspension and debarment 
29.615   How does DOT notify a person of suspension and debarment 
29.620   Do Federal agencies coordinate suspension and debarment 
29.625   What is the scope of a suspension or debarment action?
29.630   May DOT impute the conduct of one person to another?
29.635   May DOT settle a debarment or suspension action?
29.640   May a settlement include a voluntary exclusion?
29.645   Do other Federal agencies know if DOT agrees to a voluntary 
Subpart G--Suspension
29.700   When may the suspending official issue a suspension?
29.705   What does the suspending official consider in issuing a 
29.710   When does a suspension take effect?
29.715   What notice does the suspending official give me if I am 
29.720   How may I contest a suspension?
29.725   How much time do I have to contest a suspension?
29.730   What information must I provide to the suspending official 
if I contest a suspension?
29.735   Under what conditions do I get an additional opportunity to 
challenge the facts on which the suspension is based?
29.740   Are suspension proceedings formal?
29.745   Is a record made of fact-finding proceedings?
29.750   What does the suspending official consider in deciding 
whether to continue or terminate my suspension?
29.755   When will I know whether the suspension is continued or 
29.760   How long may my suspension last?
Subpart H--Debarment
29.800   What are the causes for debarment?
29.805   What notice does the debarring official give me if I am 
proposed for debarment?
29.810   When does a debarment take effect?
29.815   How may I contest a proposed debarment?
29.820   How much time do I have to contest a proposed debarment?
29.825   What information must I provide to the debarring official 
if I contest a proposed debarment?
29.830   Under what conditions do I get an additional opportunity to 
challenge the facts on which the proposed debarment is based?
29.835   Are debarment proceedings formal?
29.840   Is a record made of fact-finding proceedings?
29.845   What does the debarring official consider in deciding 
whether to debar me?
29.850   What is the standard of proof in a debarment action?
29.855   Who has the burden of proof in a debarment action?
29.860   What factors may influence the debarring official's 
29.865   How long may my debarment last?
29.870   When do I know if the debarring official debars me?
29.875   May I ask the debarring official to reconsider a decision 
to debar me?
29.880   What factors may influence the debarring official during 
29.885   May the debarring official extend a debarment?

[[Page 3367]]

Subpart I--Definitions
29.900   Adequate evidence.
29.905   Affiliate.
29.910   Agency.
29.915   Agent or representative.
29.920   Civil judgment.
29.925   Conviction.
29.930   Debarment.
29.935   Debarring official.
29.940   Disqualified.
29.945   Excluded or exclusion.
29.950   Indictment.
29.955   Ineligible or ineligibility.
29.960   Legal proceedings.
29.965   List of Parties Excluded or Disqualified from Federal 
Procurement and Nonprocurement Programs.
29.970   Nonprocurement transaction.
29.975   Notice.
29.980   Participant.
29.985   Person.
29.990   Preponderance of the evidence.
29.995   Principal.
29.1000   Respondent.
29.1005   State.
29.1010   Suspending official.
29.1015   Suspension.
29.1020   Voluntary exclusion or voluntarily excluded.
Subpart J [Reserved]

Appendix to Part 29--Covered Transactions

    Authority: Sec. 2455, Pub. L. 103-355, 108 Stat. 3327 (31 U.S.C. 
6101 note); E.O.11738 (3 CFR, 1973 Comp., p.799); E.O.12549 (3 CFR, 
1986 Comp., p. 189); E.O. 12689 (3 CFR, 1989 Comp., p. 235).

    2. Part 29 is further amended as set forth below.
    a. ``[Agency noun]'' is removed and ``Department of 
Transportation'' is added in its place wherever it occurs.
    b. ``[Agency adjective]'' is removed and ``DOT'' is added in its 
place wherever it occurs.
    c. ``[Agency head or designee]'' is removed and ``debarring or 
suspending official'' is added in its place wherever it occurs.
    3. Section 29.120 is further amended by adding a paragraph (c) to 
read as follows:

Sec. 29.120  May we grant an exception to an excluded person to 
participate in a covered transaction?

* * * * *
    (c) A debarring or suspending official may grant exceptions and 
make written determinations under this section.
    4. Section 29.440 is added to read as follows:

Sec. 29.440  What method do I use to communicate those requirements to 

    To communicate the requirement you must include a term or condition 
in the transaction requiring the participants' compliance with subpart 
C of this part and requiring them to include a similar term or 
condition in lower-tier covered transactions.
    5. Section 29.520 is further amended by removing the period at the 
end of paragraph (c)(4) and adding a semi-colon, and adding a paragraph 
(d) to read as follows:

Sec. 29.520.  Who gives the GSA the information that it puts on the 

* * * * *
    (d) The DOT official's Operating Administration code, as follows: 
United States Coast Guard [DOT-USCG]; Federal Aviation Administration 
[DOT-FAA]; Federal Highway Administration [DOT-FHWA]; Federal Motor 
Carrier Safety Administration [DOT-FMCSA]; Federal Railway 
Administration [DOT-FRA]; Federal Transit Administration [DOT-FTA]; 
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [DOT-NHTSA]; Research 
and Special Programs [DOT-RSPA]; Maritime Administration [DOT-MARAD]; 
and DOT (general) [DOT-OST].
    6. Section 29.935 is further amended by adding a paragraph (b) to 
read as follows:

Sec. 29.935  Debarring official.

* * * * *
    (b) For DOT ``debarring official'' means the designated head of a 
DOT operating administration, who may delegate any of his or her 
functions under this part and authorize successive delegations.
    7. Section 29.1010 is further amended by adding a paragraph (b) to 
read as follows:

Sec. 29.1010  Suspending official.

* * * * *
    (b) For DOT ``suspending official'' means the designated head of a 
DOT operating administration, who may delegate any of his or her 
functions under this part and authorize successive delegations.
    8. Part 32 is added to read as set forth in instruction 2 at the 
end of the common preamble.


Subpart A--Purpose and Coverage
32.100   What does this part do?
32.105   Does this part apply to me?
32.110   Are any of my Federal assistance awards exempt from this 
32.115   Does this part affect the Federal contracts that I receive?
Subpart B--Requirements for Recipients Other Than Individuals
32.200   What must I do to comply with this part?
32.205   What must I include in my drug-free workplace statement?
32.210   To whom must I distribute my drug-free workplace statement?
32.215   What must I include in my drug-free awareness program?
32.220   By when must I publish my drug-free workplace statement and 
establish my drug-free awareness program?
32.225   What actions must I take concerning employees who are 
convicted of drug violations in the workplace?
32.230   How and when must I identify workplaces?
Subpart C--Requirements for Recipients Who Are Individuals
32.300   What must I do to comply with this part if I am an 
individual recipient?
32.301   [Reserved]
Subpart D--Responsibilities of DOT Awarding Officials
32.400   What are my responsibilities as a DOT awarding official?
Subpart E--Violations of This Part and Consequences
32.500   How are violations of this part determined for recipients 
other than individuals?
32.505   How are violations of this part determined for recipients 
who are individuals?
32.510   What actions will the Federal Government take against a 
recipient determined to have violated this part?
32.515   Are there any exceptions to those actions?
Subpart F--Definitions
32.605   Award.
32.610   Controlled substance.
32.615   Conviction.
32.620   Cooperative agreement.
32.625   Criminal drug statute.
32.630   Debarment.
32.635   Drug-free workplace.
32.640   Employee.
32.645   Federal agency or agency.
32.650   Grant.
32.655   Individual.
32.660   Recipient.
32.665   State.
32.670   Suspension.

    Authority: 41 U.S.C. 701 et seq.

    9. Part 32 is further amended as set forth below.
    a. ``[Agency noun]'' is removed and ``Department of 
Transportation'' is added in its place wherever it occurs.
    b. ``[Agency adjective]'' is removed and ``DOT'' is added in its 
place wherever it occurs.
    c. ``[Agency head or designee]'' is removed and ``Secretary of 
Transportation'' is added in its place wherever it occurs.
    d. ``[Agency head]'' is removed and ``Secretary of Transportation'' 
is added in its place wherever it occurs.

[[Page 3368]]

    10. Section 32.510 (c) is further amended by removing ``CFR 
citation for the Federal Agency's regulations implementing Executive 
Order 12549 and Executive Order 12689'' and adding ``49 CFR part 29'' 
in its place.
    11. Section 32.605(a)(2) is further amended by removing ``[Agency-
specific CFR citation]''and adding ``49 CFR part 18'' in its place.
[FR Doc. 02-1 Filed 1-22-02; 8:45 am]
BILLING CODES 6325-01, 3410-KS, 6450-01, 8025-01, 7510-01, 3510-FA, 
4191-02, 3180-02, 4710-05, 6116-01, 6051-01, 7025-01, 6117-01, 4510-23, 
6732-01, 5001-08, 4000-01, 7515-01, 8320-01, 6560-50, 6820-61, 4310-RF, 
6718-01, 4150-24, 7555-01, 7537-01, 7536-01, 7036-01, 6050-28, 4910-62P