U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Spellings Says We Must Reward Teachers Who Get Results (April 27, 2005)
Secretary Spellings gives the keynote address at the 2005 Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference.  Secretary Spellings spoke about about the importance of high quality teachers and the Teacher Incentive Fund noting that President Bush's new budget includes almost $3 billion dollars to help states do this.
Secretary Spellings gives the keynote address at the 2005 Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference. Secretary Spellings spoke about about the importance of high quality teachers and the Teacher Incentive Fund noting that President Bush's new budget includes almost $3 billion dollars to help states do this.

Milken Family Foundation Chairman Lowell Milken, Secretary Spellings, and Michigan Milken National Educator Chris McAuliffe.  Chris McAuliffe was highlighted in the Secretary's remarks and is from Oxbow Community School in White Lake, Michigan. When Chris first came to Oxbow, only around 20 percent of the school's fifth-graders were passing Michigan's statewide science assessments. Last year, over 90 percent of Chris's students passed. Milken Family Foundation Chairman Lowell Milken introduces Secretary Spellings at the 2005 Annual Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference in Washington, DC.
In a speech to the Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference, Secretary Margaret Spellings told more than 300 educators 'we must reward teachers who make real progress closing the achievement gap in the most challenging classrooms.' In a speech to the Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference, Secretary Margaret Spellings told more than 300 educators 'we must reward teachers who make real progress closing the achievement gap in the most challenging classrooms.'
Secretary Spellings gives the keynote address at the 2005 Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference.  Secretary Spellings spoke about about the importance of high quality teachers and the Teacher Incentive Fund noting that President Bush's new budget includes almost $3 billion dollars to help states do this.  


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