Charter Schools Program

   Current Section  Laws, Regs, & Guidance
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Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance



Policy Guidance
  • Guidance on the Charter Schools Program download files MS Word (812K) | PDF (139K)

  • Impact of New Title I Requirements on Charter Schools: Non-Regulatory Guidance download files MS Word (704K) | PDF (129K)

  • How Does A State or Local Educational Agency Allocate Funds To Charter Schools That are Opening for the First Time or Significantly Expanding Their Enrollment?: Non-Regulatory Guidance download files MS Word (2.3MB) | PDF (543K)

  • Applying Federal Civil Rights Laws to Public Charter Schools: Questions and Answers (2000, DOE) download files PDF (78K)

Policy Letters

Department Policy Guidance that Impact Charter Schools

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Last Modified: 01/29/2009