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Resources - Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants (Dec 16, 2008)
This page provides links to publications, research, reports, related sites, and other related resources for the Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant Program.
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Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs -- 2008 (PDF) (Aug 26, 2008)
The Guide to ED Programs describes the Department's programs and resources, providing information for students, teachers, administrators, researchers and policymakers.
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Archived Contract Solicitations (Apr 07, 2008)
This archive contains closed contract solicitations since FY 1997.
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Performance -- Reading is Fundamental-Inexpensive Book Distribution Program (Feb 04, 2008)
This page lists annual performance reports, Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Indicators, success stories, promising practices, data analysis, and performance reports for the Reading is Fundamental program.
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Recently Closed Contract Solicitations (Dec 05, 2007)
This archive contains closed contract solicitations from the current Fiscal Year with links to closed contract solicitations since FY 1997.
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Department of Education Non-Retaliation Policy (MS Word) (Oct 18, 2007)
This document contains the U.S. Department of Education's policy on non-retaliation against small entities who raise concerns, questions or complaints about Department policies or actions.
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Protection of Human Subjects
Provision and Clause
(Oct 01, 2007)
Solicitation provisions and contract clauses related to the protection of human subjects.
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U.S. Department of Education
Contract Reference Library
(Oct 01, 2007)
An online library of ED contract reference documents.
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Doing Business with ED Guide (PDF) (Aug 29, 2007)
A guide for organizations wishing to do business with the Department of Education. The guide provides useful information for those wishing to enter into contracts with the Department. (PDF)
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Doing Business with ED Guide (Aug 29, 2007)
A guide for organizations wishing to do business with the Department of Education. The guide provides useful information for those wishing to enter into contracts with the Department.
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formatted as HTML document (43)
Free, No Restrictions (40)
of type Programs (31)
for Non-profit Organizations (29)
about Discretionary Grants (25)
about Federal Programs (23)
for Institutions of Higher Education (22)
of type Reference Materials (22)
about Federal Aid (21)