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Inclusive Schools Week 2008ISN Products


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Webinar: May 27, 2009 - Register Now!

"Paraprofessional Supports in Inclusive Schools: Research, Practices and Alternatives" with Michael Giangreco, Ph.D.  May 27, 2009, 3:00-4:30 pm EST.

Michael Giangreco, Ph.D.Paraprofessionals have emerged as a key mechanism for supporting students with a range of disabilities in general education classrooms.  This webinar will provide an overview of research on the provision of paraprofessional supports in inclusive classrooms, including a look at key national data on the use of paraprofessionals and related special education service delivery.  Participants will examine issues such as overreliance on paraprofessionals and will explore a series of alternatives that schools can consider. The session will provide opportunities for participants to ask questions and engage in discussion.

Register online now!

'Including Samuel' on PBS

Including Samuel - Watch video clips of the discussionAs part of the 8th Annual Inclusive Schools Week, ISN hosted a screening and discussion of the documentary Including Samuel with filmmaker Dan Habib.  New Hampshire Public Television will be broadcasting Including Samuel on on May 23 and 24, and the film will be shown on PBS stations nationally this fall.

Video-Cast Available Now! - ISN Math Webinar

On December 3, 2008, the Inclusive Schools Network hosted its first webinar on the topic "Reflecting Upon the NCTM Focal Points and the Role of the Special Educator in Today's Mathematics Classroom" with Dr. Lisa Dieker and Dr. Hank Kepner.  This 90-minute online presentation and discussion was recorded, and a video-cast of the event can now be purchased for viewing.  It is an excellent professional development resource for educators and organizations looking to improve practice and help students with disabilities in addressing math standards in inclusive settings.