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Growth Model Evaluation Report January 2009 (MS Word) (Jan 16, 2009)
The purpose of this internal evaluation was to examine the impact of growth models for use in assessing school performance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). (MS Word)
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No Child Left Behind  State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act, Volume VIII--Teacher Quality Under NCLB: Final Report (Jan 15, 2009)
This report provides updated information on the progress that states, districts, and schools have made in implementing NCLB's teacher quality, professional development, and paraprofessional provisions.
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No Child Left Behind  Academic Competitiveness and SMART Grant Programs: First-Year Lessons Learned (Jan 14, 2009)
This report describes the early implementation of two new grant programs, Academic Competitiveness Grants and National SMART Grants, and the number and distribution of students receiving the first grants in academic year 2006-2007.
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Evaluation of the Comprehensive School Reform Program Implementation and Outcomes: Third Year Report (2008) (MS Word) (Jan 07, 2009)
This report provides third-year study findings regarding schools receiving comprehensive school reform (CSR) assistance awards in 2002, focusing on 1) how CSR award receipt was related to subsequent changes in achievement; 2) whether aspects of program implementation were associated with achievement gains. (MS Word)
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No Child Left Behind  State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act, Volume VI--Targeting and Uses of Federal Education Funds (Jan 07, 2009)
This report examines how well federal funds are targeted to districts and schools serving economically disadvantaged students, how Title I targeting has changed over the past seven years, how districts have spent federal funds, and the base of state and local resources to which federal funds are added.
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Executive Summary: Evaluation of the Comprehensive School Reform Program Implementation and Outcomes: Third Year Report (2008) (Jan 07, 2009)
This report provides third-year study findings regarding schools receiving comprehensive school reform (CSR) assistance awards in 2002, focusing on 1) how CSR award receipt was related to subsequent changes in achievement; 2) whether aspects of program implementation were associated with achievement gains.
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No Child Left Behind  State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act, Implementation of the 1 Percent Rule and 2 Percent Interim Policy Options (Jan 07, 2009)
This report presents findings about the implementation of regulations and guidelines issued under the No Child Left Behind Act that provide flexibility for the treatment of certain students with disabilities in state assessment and accountability systems.
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Evaluation of the Comprehensive School Reform Program Implementation and Outcomes: Third Year Report (2008) (PDF) (Jan 07, 2009)
This report provides third-year study findings regarding schools receiving comprehensive school reform (CSR) assistance awards in 2002, focusing on 1) how CSR award receipt was related to subsequent changes in achievement; 2) whether aspects of program implementation were associated with achievement gains. (PDF)
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No Child Left Behind  State and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act, Volume VII--Title I School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services: Final Report (Jan 07, 2009)
This report provides updated information on the implementation and usage of choice options that are offered to students in Title I schools that have been identified for improvement.
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Study of the Voluntary Public School Choice Program: Final Report (Nov 19, 2008)
Study of the Voluntary Public School Choice Program: Final Report (2008) uses a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods to measure the progress VPSC sites have made in meeting the program's legislative goals to: 1) maximize choice, 2) encourage students to transfer to higher achieving schools, and 3) promote interdistrict transfers. The final report discusses findings from data collected during the full five years of grant implementation, from fall 2002 through spring 2007.
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for Policymakers (85)
Free, No Restrictions (83)
formatted as HTML document (50)
for Administrators (43)
for Researchers (40)
about Program Evaluation (39)
formatted as Portable Document Format (PDF) (34)
of type Reports (34)
about Program Implementation (31)
of type Reference Materials (30)