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Webcast: HHS Recovery Act Activities

Join us today from 2-3 p.m., ET for an interactive Webcast discussion of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Recovery Act funding.

Four HHS agencies will provide information about their funding plans.

During the web cast, you may direct questions by email to:

Where Your Money Is Going

Where your Recovery funds are going: (Numbers are in billions) Tax Relief, 288 State and Local Fiscal Relief, 144 Infrastructure and Science, 111 Protecting the Vulnerable, 81 Health Care, 59 Education and Training, 53 Energy, 43 Other, 8


Recovery at Work

Community Health Center Funds Announced

President Obama announced the release of $155 million in Recovery Act grant funds to support 126 Community Health Centers across the country. These grants alone will help provide health services to 750,000 Americans and create 5,500 jobs.



HHS is committed to a timely implementation. Plans for spending, reporting, auditing, and investigation of fraud and abuse of Recovery funds are being developed and will be made available here.

What You Can Do

You can be involved in this effort by:

Where to Go For Assistance

Most of Recovery Act funding will go to States, Territories, and Tribes, who will in turn distribute funds through grants, contracts, subsidies, loan programs, etc. Be sure to check your State Web site for information. Additionally, check the list of State Recovery sites for a link to your state.

Grants announced at the Federal level are announced on

To learn if you are eligible to receive government benefits, visit Government loans are available at

Federal contracting opportunities are listed at FedBizOps.