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About the Office of Economic Recovery & Investment

The Office of Economic Recovery & Investment is a temporary office that coordinates and monitors North Carolina´s use of the federal stimulus funds. The office will help ensure that the funds will be put to use quickly and efficiently, and with the transparency and accountability that North Carolinians expect.

The federal stimulus package provides about $6.1 billion in direct aid to North Carolina to create jobs, address state budget stability, and rebuild and expand our state's critical infrastructure, including highways and schools. It also injects additional money into the state through targeted tax cuts, additional grants from federal agencies and direct funding for specific federal programs in the state.

Governor Perdue has named Dempsey Benton, former secretary of the state Health and Human Services Department, to lead the office and provide accountability for the use of the stimulus funds. Dempsey Benton will be assisted by staff in the governor´s office and representatives from various state agencies.

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Office of Economic Recovery and Investment
116 West Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27603 - 8005
(919) 807-4700

copyright © 2009 State of North Carolina, Office of Economic Recovery & Investment