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2/27/2009   Chrissy Pearson
Raleigh   (919) 733-0767

Gov. Perdue Launches

Gov. Bev Perdue today launched, a guide to services of the newly created Office of Economic Recovery & Investment. will let visitors track federal recovery funds in North Carolina, as well as learn about local contract and grant opportunities.

“I am committed to providing the people of North Carolina with a simple-to-navigate guide that is efficient, transparent and accountable,” Perdue said. “I want the people of North Carolina to understand exactly how the money will be used to put North Carolina back to work.”

The website will serve as a resource on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, its impact on North Carolina and information about the state Office of Economic Recovery and Investment.

In the upcoming weeks, visitors will be able to track stimulus money as it is spent, suggest projects for funding and learn how to apply for contracts and grants that may be available.

On Feb. 17, Gov. Perdue announced the creation of the Office of Economic Recovery & Investment to coordinate and track North Carolina’s handling of federal stimulus funds. Perdue named Dempsey Benton, former secretary of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, to lead the office.

The federal recovery package provides approximately $6.1 billion in direct aid to North Carolina to create jobs, and to rebuild and expand the state's critical infrastructure. It also provides for targeted federal tax cuts, additional grants from federal agencies and direct funding to local governments for specific federal programs in North Carolina.

Office of Economic Recovery and Investment
116 West Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27603 - 8005
(919) 807-4700

copyright © 2009 State of North Carolina, Office of Economic Recovery & Investment