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OMB Releases Website Guidelines to States
Thursday, March 12, 2009

OMB released the four-page "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Recommended Guidelines for Related State Web Pages" on Thursday in a collaborative effort with states to improve coordination between state and Federal Recovery-related web sites. The goal is to create a rational network of websites to provide transparency in the workings of the ARRA, based on best practices in web content management.

This guidance encourages state sites to mirror the structure of More specifically, just as features data and information from, and links to, Federal agencies and states, state recovery sites should feature data and information from, and links to, every participating state agency, locality and municipality in the state.

While Federal pages dedicated to the ARRA are mandated by OMB Guidance, states are not required to do the same, meaning the decision to adhere to these recommendations it is ultimately up to each state.