Office of Governor Bev Perdue - State of North Carolina
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Governor Bev Perdue

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Gov. Perdue Makes Significant Education Leadership Changes


Gov. Perdue today announced a major restructuring in education leadership that will change the way we do business in North Carolina.  In keeping with Gov. Perdue’s commitment to a 21st century education system that affords every child the opportunity to learn, today’s announced changes establish a clearly defined leadership role for seeing through the policies and requirements to ready North Carolina public schools for the global economy.

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Governor Perdue Announces Tate Johnson as Eastern North Carolina Director


Governor Perdue today announced that she is appointing Tate Johnson as the Eastern North Carolina Director for the governor’s office in New Bern.

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Snow Day at the Capitol


Statue of President George Washington on the south side of the State Capitol

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Yes I Can


Bev greets a young girl at the Governor's Open House

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Scott, Yow brought so much to NC and they will be missed

01/25/2009 -

It's a sad time for our state as North Carolina has lost two of its greatest citizens in just two days - Governor Bob Scott and Coach Kay Yow.

Governor Scott devoted his life to public service - from leading our state as our chief executive, to serving as president of North Carolina's com...


Balancing the State Budget

01/23/2009 -

The global economic downturn, credit crunch and overall volatility in the financial markets have had a significant impact on our state budget. The Office of State Budget and Management expects a budget shortfall of between $1.8 billion and $2.2 billion for the current fiscal year.

We are


Still a work day despite the snow

01/20/2009 -

Governor Perdue has kept a busy schedule today despite the snowfall that has blanketed the state. This morning she declared a state of emergency as a precaution. The state of emergency activates the state's Emergency Operations Center and allows the Governor to call on the National Guard if neces...