President Obama, with the Budget Committee Chairmen
Official White House Photo, 3/17/09, by Chuck Kennedy

Budget Spratt Conrad

The President outlines the new priorities in his budget, and calls for his critics to come to the table with good ideas, not political tactics.

Read the President's Remarks
President Obama pledges help for small business, condemns AIG bonuses
White House Photo, 3/16/09, Chuck Kennedy


President Obama pledges to help small businesses, fight AIG bonuses.

Watch the video
Weekly Address: Food Safety
White House Photo, 3/13/09, Pete Souza

Weekly Address: FDA

In this week's address, President Barack Obama makes key announcements regarding the safety of our nation's food.

Watch the Video
The White House Council on Women and Girls
White House Photo 3/11/09 by Chuck Kennedy

Council on Women

President Obama signs an Executive Order creating the White House Council on Women and Girls.

Watch the video
Official White House Photo, 3/17/09, by Chuck Kennedy

Budget Spratt Conrad

The President outlines the new priorities in his budget, and calls for his critics to come to the table with good ideas, not political tactics.

Read the President's Remarks


Blog Feed
TUE, MARCH 17, 11:18 AM EST

Good ideas, not political tactics

After meeting with the Chairmen of the House and Senate Budget Committees, the President gave a reminder of the new priorities in his budget, and responded to knee-jerk critics.
TUE, MARCH 17, 10:09 AM EST

Vermont Regional Health Forum: Streaming at 1:00

The second of five Regional Forums on Health Reform happens today in Vermont, watch it live at 1:00 Eastern at
MON, MARCH 16, 8:59 PM EST

Biden, Fire fighters, and Mom-Mom

Vice President Biden finds meaning and humor in a family scare talking to firefighters.


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Signed: Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2009 

DTV Delay Act

Signed: Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2009 

Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act

Signed: Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2009 

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Signed: Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009  



Read the President's economic agenda.

Energy & the Environment

Read the President's agenda on energy & the environment.

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Read the President's entire agenda.



A New Era of Responsibility: FY 2010 Budget
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