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  • OLPC chief predicts Windows for ARM architecture

    Nicholas Negroponte has told ZDNet UK that he is 'convinced' Microsoft will, within 18 months, make a version of Windows that can run on ARM-based architecture ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 10:36 AM PDT

  • DoD may announce Cyber Command

    The US Department of Defence may announce its own Cyber Command. As I understand from a US source close to that world, the DoD is considering appointing General Keith...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 10:19 AM PDT

  • DoD may announce Cyber Command

    The US Department of Defence may announce its own Cyber Command. As I understand from a US source close to that world, the DoD is considering appointing General Keith...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 10:19 AM PDT

  • Cern celebrates 20 years of the web

    The research centre marks how far Sir Tim Berners-Lee's 'vague, but exciting' proposal for a World Wide Web has come ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 9:40 AM PDT

  • EC plans more funding for tech research

    The Commission calls for a large increase in tech R&D funding over the next decade, and has reiterated its call for a single European patent system ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 9:33 AM PDT

  • Fusion-io launches fast SSD storage

    The ioDrive Duo, a solid-state storage drive based on PCI Express, promises to read at up to 1.5GB per second ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 8:56 AM PDT

  • Nokia fights to retain smartphone dominance

    The Finnish handset maker's market share has been slipping as RIM, Apple and other smaller competitors chip away at its dominance in the high-end mobile-phone market ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 8:52 AM PDT

  • Nortel may sell two key businesses to competitors

    The telecommunications equipment maker is reportedly in discussions to sell two key business units, which may affect its ability to re-emerge from its Chapter 11 bankruptcy status ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 7:56 AM PDT

  • EC calls for energy efficiency through ICT

    Commissioner Viviane Reding has urged member states to use information and communication technologies to consume less power and so combat climate change ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 7:47 AM PDT

  • Amazon tweaks EC2 pricing for the enterprise

    The company has announced reserved pricing for its Elastic Compute Cloud, intended to sway IT executives to adopt more of Amazon's Web Services ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 7:39 AM PDT

  • Using the iPhone and Wii remote for health

    ZDNet UK spoke to scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute to see how communications technology is combining with gaming gadgetry to keep people healthy ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 5:46 AM PDT

  • S'pore, EU team up on ICT research

    Singapore has inked an agreement with the European Union to cooperate in ICT research and development, tapping on expertise from both public and private sectors. Compare your salaryUse the...

    ZDNet Asia | Mar 13, 2009 4:23 AM PDT

  • New iPhone OS to be previewed

    Apple will be previewing version 3.0 of its iPhone operating system on Tuesday next week. According to reports, a new software development kit (SDK) for the OS will also...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 4:10 AM PDT

  • New iPhone OS to be previewed

    Apple will be previewing version 3.0 of its iPhone operating system on Tuesday next week. According to reports, a new software development kit (SDK) for the OS will also...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 4:10 AM PDT

  • Mixed reactions to Malaysia's ICT stimulus

    Government's US$16.2 billion "mini-budget" won't be sufficient to shield vendors from effects of recession, says country's national IT association Pikom.

    ZDNet Asia | Mar 13, 2009 4:02 AM PDT

  • Taiwan govt rules out memory merger

    Consolidating six local DRAM companies is "too complicated", Taiwanese government says, leading to some affected players seeking other alternatives.

    ZDNet Asia | Mar 13, 2009 4:00 AM PDT

  • Small bites help digest big IT projects

    Chart large IT implementation into smaller parts to ensure successful rollout, and take advantage of economic downturn to review goals, experts advise.

    ZDNet Asia | Mar 13, 2009 3:50 AM PDT

  • Microsoft faces up to the netbook challenge

    The software maker has done the technical work to make Windows 7 work on Netbooks, but the low-cost laptops remain a thorny business challenge ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 3:05 AM PDT

  • Retailers must innovate amid downturn

    Through ICT, Malaysian retailers can be leaner and more agile to respond to changing market forces and provide services that better meet changing consumer needs.

    ZDNet Asia | Mar 13, 2009 2:50 AM PDT

  • National Semiconductor to cut jobs, close plants

    Faced with a steep decline in sales, the chipmaker plans to lay off more than 25 percent of its workforce, or 1,725 jobs ...

    ZDNet UK | Mar 13, 2009 2:18 AM PDT

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