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IEEE Societies, Councils and Technical Communities

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Technical innovation and access to that information is a key value of IEEE membership.  IEEE includes many unique technical organizations, active in the areas of publications, conferences and building technical communities.


Societies  Most IEEE members choose to add value to their membership by joining one or more IEEE Societies. Benefits include access to current information, opportunities to network with peers, and enhancement of the worldwide value of your profession. Many IEEE Societies offer their members online, full-text access to their publications (availability varies by IEEE Society).

IEEE Society field of interest statements
IEEE Societies listed by IEEE Division

Technical Councils

Technical Councils are groups of Societies working together in broad areas of technology. Councils sponsor activities which benefit individuals in all of the member Societies.

Technical Communities


Technology is constantly evolving.  In order to quickly respond to new innovations IEEE has a variety of technical communities and activities, including:

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