April 7, 2000 
(Next Release: 
April, 2002)



Overview of NEMS

Carbon Emissions

Macroeconomic Activity Module

International Energy Module

Residential Demand Module

Commercial Demand Module

Industrial Demand Module

Transportation Demand Module

Electricity Market Module

Renewable Fuels Module

Oil and Gas Supply Module

Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Module

Petroleum Market Module

Coal Market Module


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Annual Energy Outlook 2000

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[1] Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2000, DOE/EIA-0383(2000) (Washington, DC, December 1999).

[2] Energy Information Administration, Electricity Prices in a Competitive Environment: Marginal Cost Pricing of Generation Services and Financial Status of Electric Utilities, DOE/EIA-0614 (Washington, DC, August 1997).

[3] Energy Information Administration, The Comprehensive Electricity Competition Act: A Comparison of Model Results, SR/OIAF/99-04 (Washington, DC, September 1999).

[4] Energy Information Administration, Impacts of the Kyoto Protocol on U.S. Energy Markets and Economic Activity, SR/OIAF/98-03 (Washington, DC, October 1998).

[5] Energy Information Administration, Analysis of the Impacts of an Early Start for Compliance with the Kyoto Protocol, SR/OIAF/99-02 (Washington, DC, July 1999).

[6] Energy Information Administration, Analysis of the Climate Change Technology Initiative, SR/OIAF/99-01 (Washington, DC, April 1999).

[7] Energy Information Administration, Energy Consumption Projections for Selected Industries of the Future, SR/OIAF/99-05 (Washington, DC, November 1999).

[8] Energy Information Administration, The Impacts of Increased Diesel Penetration in the Transportation Sector, SR/OIAF/98-02 (Washington, DC, August 1998).

[9] Energy Information Administration, Analysis of S. 687, the Electric System Public Benefits Protection Act of 1997, SR/OIAF/98-01 (Washington, DC, February 1998).

[10] Energy Information Administration, Analysis of Carbon Stabilization Cases, SR/OIAF/97-01 (Washington, DC, October 1997).

[11] Energy Information Administration, The Impacts on U.S. Energy Markets and the Economy of Reducing Oil Imports, SR/OIAF/96-04 (Washington, DC, September 1996).

[12] Energy Information Administration, An Analysis of FERC’s Final Environmental Impact Statement for Electricity Open Access and Recovery of Stranded Costs, SR/OIAF/96-03 (Washington, DC, September 1996).

[13] Energy Information Administration, An Analysis of Carbon Mitigation Cases, SR/OIAF/96-01 (Washington, June 1996).

[14] Energy Information Administration, Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 1998, DOE/EIA-0573(98) (Washington, DC, October 1999).

[15] Energy Information Administration, Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2000, http://www.eia.doe.gov/ oiaf/aeo/assumption/ pdf/0554(2000).pdf (Washington, DC, January 2000).

[16] Energy Information Administration, Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2000, http://www/eia.doe.gov/ oiaf/aeo/assumption/pdf/0554(2000).pdf (Washington, DC, January 2000).

[17] Energy Information Administration, Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2000, http:/www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/assumption/pdf/0554(2000).pdf (Washngton, DC, January 2000).

[18] Urban Wood Waste and Mill Residues: Antares Group, Inc; Forest and Crop Residues: Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Energy Crops:  Oak Ridge Energy Crop County Level Database (December 20, 1996); and Agricultural Residues:  Oak Ridge National Laoboratory.

[19]U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2008, Staff Report WAOB-99-01 (Washington, DC, February 1999).



File last modified: April 7, 2000

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