Retail Unbundling - Tennessee

Status: The state has no unbundled service programs for residential customers.

Overview: No retail unbundling program is being considered at this time by either the Tennessee Regulatory Authority (TRA) or the state legislature. More than 80 companies provide natural gas service to residential customers, with the TRA regulating the state's six privately owned utilities. One of these companies is a division of Atlanta Gas Light, which has completely exited its merchant role in Georgia as part of the retail unbundling program underway in that state. Tennessee's local distribution companies (LDCs) and regulatory authority are waiting to see the results of Georgia's experience with unbundling before changing how gas is provided to consumers in the state.

EIA State Data: In 2001, Tennessee had 993,363 residential and 118,397 commercial customers. They consumed 68 and 53 billion cubic feet of natural gas, respectively. The average prices paid for natural gas purchased from LDCs by residential and commercial customers were $10.16 and $9.40 per thousand cubic feet, respectively. The average city gate price in the state was $6.11 per thousand cubic feet.

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File last modified: 01/31/2003