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To provide effective and efficient operational support to the scientific mission of the Laboratory.


Berkeley Lab will be the best place in the world to conduct scientific research. Our effective and efficient infrastructure, systems, and health and safety programs will be world class.

We will be part of a unified Laboratory, where the full contribution of every individual is expected, respected and recognized. Working across organizational boundaries, we will develop new synergies that deliver effective innovative solutions. We will appreciate and benefit from our diversity. Our environment will be rich with opportunities and we will be challenged to grow to our fullest potential.

We will have constructive relationships with and be trusted by our sponsors, neighbors and collaborators. We will be completely aligned with the needs of our customers and support them in their collaborations with universities, industry and other national laboratories. We will cultivate relationships with competence, integrity and openness. Our partnerships will open new opportunities to serve our communities, the nation and the world.


In October 2005, the University of California (UC) Statement of Ethical Values was introduced. These values and standards apply to all members of the University community.  As a part of that community, Operations is committed to the ethical values as described here.