th comments
Anthony said: "That 10-20 seconds was for a smaller battery (either phone or laptop, I can't recall). The time they proposed for a car battery was something 5 min..." [read]

Anthony said: "I think that projection is overly pessimistic. Consider: power plants are designed to last ~60 years. So between now and 2050, we will need to repl..." [read]

Sirerdrick said: "... Or we could just make the poaching of poachers legal. Illegally kill an endangered animal and you risk having your own life taken...." [read]

tcolberg said: "Thanks for the review. It's nice to see postings about products that allow us to get incrementally greener with all the things we need to do...." [read]

Sirerdrick said: "Hate to break it to y'all (just kidding, I'm loving it!) but the Chinese have already beat the world to the punch. The BYD F3DM, which costs about..." [read]

Sirerdrick said: "I second glittalogik's take...." [read]

SXSW Steers the Music Biz onto the Green Track

by Roberta Cruger, Los Angeles on 03.12.09
Culture & Celebrity

SXSW music fest logo photo
The ultimate music confab tries to green the biz with model panelists.

Footage from Bruno, the follow-up to Sasha Baron Cohen’s Borat, will kick off the SXSW Music and Media Conference and Festival in Austin, Texas this Friday. Cohen's faux Austrian television pop culture hipster might set a wackier tone to the extravaganza. The 9-day trade show and party, focused on the edge of the Film, Interactive and Music scenes, features a feast of world music, showcasing 1,800 acts from 42 countries on 80 stages for the 100,000 attending the event. The event organizers practice sustainability and now offers green tips for the faithful.

Article continues: SXSW Steers the Music Biz onto the Green Track

Environmental Film Festival Underway in DC

by Eliza Barclay, Nomad on 03.12.09
Culture & Celebrity

film festival photo
Photo credit: Jonathan Bird Productions

The 17th annual Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital kicked off yesterday and will continue through March 22 with 136 eco-themed documentary, feature, animated, archival, experimental and children’s films. This year's festival has several films on oceans and sea life and a special Ocean Film Series, including the world premiere of The State of the Planet's Oceans, hosted and narrated by Matt Damon. Among other special guests, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Hedrick Smith will speak March 15 about water pollution and show clips from his upcoming film, Poisoned Waters, airing April on PBS Frontline, comparing the Chesapeake Bay to Puget Sound.

Article continues: Environmental Film Festival Underway in DC

Benny Hill to Adorn Local Currency

by Sami Grover, Carrboro, NC, USA on 03.12.09
Culture & Celebrity

Comedian Benny Hill photo
Image credit: Louise English Fan Center

Local Currency Celebrates Pop Culture Icons
In these turbulent economic times, the idea of a local currency we can exchange with our neighbors and is somewhat insulated from the chaotic global markets starts to have an undeniable appeal. Matthew has written about legal local currency before, and the Totnes Pound has even become a collectors item on Ebay. But what if such currency could not only rejuvinate the local economy, but celebrate local culture too? In the UK, Transition Town Southampton members think they may have found the ideal way to do so - adorning their local notes with none other than local-boy-made-good Benny Hill! Click below the fold to check out the notes.

Article continues: Benny Hill to Adorn Local Currency

10 Hollywood Hunks and Their Hot Green Cars (Slideshow)

by Emma Grady, New York, NY on 03.11.09
Culture & Celebrity

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Brad Pitt and BMW's Hydrogen 7. Photo via Hybrid Cars.

From Green Hollyood's go-to car, the Toyota Prius, to Brad Pitt's BMW Hydrogen 7, these stars are donating their celebrity status to promoting green transport. We just hope they take Leonardo DiCaprio's lead and ditch the luxury jet. Hop on board with the 10 Hollywood Hunks and Their Hot Green Cars slideshow and find out who drives a 1909 Baker electric car, a Lexus RX 400h luxury SUV hybrid, and a Toyota RAV4.

10 Hollywood Hunks and Their Hot Green Cars

Article continues: 10 Hollywood Hunks and Their Hot Green Cars (Slideshow)

Movie Review: The Age of Stupid - A Lot of Stick And Not Much Carrot

by Leonora Oppenheim, London, UK on 03.11.09
Culture & Celebrity

Pete Postlethwait in the Age of Stupid photo.jpg
Image via:

"The question I've been asking is, why didn't we save ourselves when we had the chance?" This is Pete Postlethwaite speaking to us from the future, the year 2055 to be exact, where he is marooned alone, high in a tower above the melted arctic, quite possibly the only man left on earth. We learn he is living in the 'Global Archive' which captured all records of human life before we were wiped off the face of the earth. This stark introduction leaves us in no doubt that Franny Armstrong's new environmental movie is designed to scare us into action, but the question I'm asking is: will it in fact just scare us all rigid?

Article continues: Movie Review: The Age of Stupid - A Lot of Stick And Not Much Carrot

Disney Unveils its Green Strategy

by Roberta Cruger, Los Angeles on 03.10.09
Culture & Celebrity

Disney green strategy photo
Mickey's parent company reveals environmental plans. Photo: The Walt Disney Company

Disneyland may not be the greenest place on earth but within 3- to 5-years the company plans to minimize Mickey's footprint, cutting emissions in half, reducing electricity consumption by 10 percent, and halving the garbage at its parks and resorts by 2013. Long-term, the aim is net zero waste and emissions, states the Walt Disney Company’s first comprehensive environmental plan from its new corporate responsibility report. Perhaps shareholders at the recent annual meeting are buoyed by the financial impact that reducing energy costs may have on the bottom line.

Article continues: Disney Unveils its Green Strategy

Bjork Releases Environmental Documentary... and other Eco-Musician Updates

by Marissa Moss, Manhattan (Lower East Side) on 03.10.09
Culture & Celebrity

bjork holding her face
Photo:Chashi Jim / Bjork

While the musical impact of Bjork is clear (no need to explain the genius) and the fashion impact apparent (no need to INSERT ANOTHER SWAN OUTFIT JOKE HERE), her global environmental impact is on the rise with today’s release of Nattura-Summer 2008 on iTunes. It’s the artist’s swan song to Iceland and the climate issues it faces (fine, I couldn’t resist the pun). More on Bjork after the jump, along with some updates on how other musicians (The Indigo Girls, Annie Lennox, Sigor Ros and more) are currently singing green.

Article continues: Bjork Releases Environmental Documentary... and other Eco-Musician Updates

Planet Pixies: Organic Soft Dolls for the Environment

by Jasmin Malik Chua, Jersey City, USA on 03.10.09

Planet Pixies photo
Photo credit: I Love My Planet Toys

Looks like Tinkerbell isn't the only pixie on a mission to protect the environment.

Meet the Planet Pixies, a trio of eco-friendly soft dolls for ages 3 and up that are designed to raise your ankle biter's awareness about the environment—and encourage him or her to make pro-planet decisions. In other words, the Bratz they ain't.

Article continues: Planet Pixies: Organic Soft Dolls for the Environment
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