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updated 1:20 p.m. EDT, Thu March 12, 2009
Monitored sex offender kills teen, police say

Monitored sex offender kills teen, police say

When 13-year-old Alycia Nipp didn't come home from a trip to Wal-Mart, her family had no idea where she was. But a tracking device was transmitting the location of her accused killer, Darrin Sanford. The convicted sex offender was wearing a GPS monitor when he tried to rape the teen before beating and stabbing her, according to police. full story
A growing number of adoption-minded couples are using Web sites to sell themselves as parents
The Calverts had a meeting with their accountant to discuss missing money right before they disappeared
The family is gathered. Reminiscences are flying. We suggest you push "record"
Million-Dollar Taste Buds
Video: Coffee taster

CNN spends time with Gennaro Pelliccia, whose taste buds are worth millions

Stimulus Fans 'Small Wind' Biz
Getting a breezy break

Tax credits are coming for those who buy turbines in order to help power homes or small businesses

iReport.com blog

iReport.com blog

The economy isn't doing well and that's being reflected in Second Life, too. Read the SL outlook

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