After a layoff, is it risky to take a health test? 9:34am: As genetic testing proliferates, a new federal law prohibits employers from asking for genetic information about you, or from using it to deny you coverage. More
Feb 20: Many people think this is the perfect time to go back to school and hide out from the lousy job market. But don't say that on your application. More
Feb 13: If networking drives you nuts and you tend to think a while before you respond to interviewers' questions, you may find a job search especially difficult. Here's what to do. More
Feb 10: When companies cut staff, morale often slides, experts say. Here's how to help survivors do their best work. More
Jan 27: You're probably shocked, scared, and even angry. But try to stay cool (at least on the outside); it could help you negotiate a bigger severance package. More
Jan 20: As Barack Obama surely understands, taking a leadership role at a time of crisis is even tougher than usual now. Here are some tried-and-true ways to succeed. More
Jan 15: Yeah, times are hard. But the executive job outlook for 2009 presents a few pockets of opportunity, especially in accounting, engineering and health care. More
Jan 7: If layoffs, restructurings, and a foggy future at work have you rattled, try to take control of the things you can. Here's how. More
Dec 12: As the cartoon turns 20, creator Scott Adams speaks out on boss diversity, where Wall Street went wrong, Dilbert's scary job hunt, and more. More
Dec 4: Last week's terror attacks in Mumbai sent chills down the spines of globe-trotting businesspeople, and for good reason. Here's how to minimize your risk when traveling abroad. More
Nov 26: One new employee decided to take a nap in the CEO's office the first week on the job. Oops. More
Nov 21: It's not easy if you're a candidate being grilled by a big panel, but you can make it work for you. Plus, using LinkedIn to boost your job search. More
Nov 14: Tough economic times may bring out the sharp elbows in co-workers, but should you join in the maneuvering or keep your distance? More
Nov 7: In this troubled economy, finding your next job (or not) may depend on your having a strong circle of people you can call on, and who know they can call on you. More
Oct 27: Seasonal hiring is well under way, but it's not too late to get a temporary job - and maybe even turn it into a full-time gig. More
Oct 23: Recruiters say you can land on your feet, especially if you're a star with a strong network. More
Oct 20: Lack of experience keeps many people from trying to switch to a different industry, but it can be done. Techies' know-how is particularly portable. More
Oct 10: The traditional male style doesn't appeal to many women, says an eminent executive coach, and that's okay. Women's own style works just fine, if they let it. More
Sep 30: Once a company has announced plans to cut its headcount, employees face a tricky choice. Here's how to protect yourself. More
Sep 26: Announcing lousy results is never a day at the beach. Whether you're addressing the board or employees, here's how to do it right. More
Sep 22: With more people planning to work in their retirement years, choosing where to live increasingly means checking out the local job market. A new AARP job site can help. More
Sep 17: Asked to do more with less, and anxious about their futures, employees may lash out at innocent bystanders. Here's how to turn an angry outburst into a useful conversation. More
Aug 28: Many people who get laid off rush out and start looking for a new job right away. That's usually a mistake. More
Aug 15: Most of us aren't nearly as skilled at influencing others as we think we are, says one expert. Take a quiz to find out how you rate. More
Aug 8: Demand for high-level talent is surprisingly robust, especially for senior managers who are willing to move. More
Aug 1: Plenty of people claim to be qualified to help you make your next career move. To make sure they can deliver the goods, heed these 9 tips. More
Jul 17: Understanding a few key cultural differences can smooth the way for a trip to China that is free of friction and faux pas. More
Jun 26: These 3 strategies can help get your company to get rid of policies that prevent employees from pleasing customers. More
Jun 20: In this economy, more companies are willing to 'take extra steps' to protect their business from former employees who bring clients or trade secrets to their next gig. More
Jun 11: One tip for candidates who want to avoid making a faux pas: Leave your cockatoo at home. More
Jun 3: More and more companies are taking steps to ease the burden of record-high gas prices. The most popular option: A compressed workweek of four ten-hour days. More
May 28: The MBA Tour lets would-be students meet admissions officers and others from dozens of B-schools, all under one roof. More
May 14: It's tough out there, but with some perseverance (and luck), your teen needn't spend the summer on the sofa. More
May 8: Which of the more than 40,000 online job boards now operating in the U.S. are most likely to help you land the position you want? Check out these survey results. More
Apr 29: Pay is a taboo subject in most offices, but listen closely to the watercooler chat and you might just might be able to figure out how much your colleagues make. More
Apr 23: Almost all companies claim that 'people are our greatest asset,' but how many really treat employees that way? A talent-management expert tells how to find one that does. More
Apr 4: What's it like to be the expert a company brings in to help fired employees find their next jobs? Fortune's Anne Fisher talks to an outplacement counselor about his job, and his advice for out-of-work professionals. More
Mar 27: The overall labor market is shaky, but the Class of 2008 can breathe easy: Many employers plan to hire more of them than last year. Here's where the jobs are. More
Mar 25: How to protect your career if your company suffers a Bear Stearns-like crisis. More
Mar 18: Before you submit your picks this year, keep in mind that your boss and co-workers may not be comfortable with betting at work. More
Feb 28: Companies increasingly want managers to act more like coaches. Here's a short course in helping your team shine. More
Feb 22: Maybe it's time to redecorate your workspace. A couple of recent studies suggest that displaying too many personal objects makes you seem unprofessional. More
Feb 14: Landing a new position in the months ahead will likely take some extra effort and flexibility. Fortune's Anne Fisher has advice to help you get the job you want. More
Feb 7: Feel like you're working in a pressure cooker? Here's how to manage when you're feeling overwhelmed. Plus, 10 wackiest coffee-break stunts. More
Jan 31: Worried your employer might cut your position in a downturn? Fortune's Anne Fisher offers tips to help you avoid the ax, and how to keep your career afloat if you don't. More
Jan 11: Bored, burned out or, worse yet, been fired? Fortune's Anne Fisher explains how to revitalize your career. More
Jan 3: According to our crystal ball, your salary increase will be just so-so this year. You're also more likely to catch a cold in the office. Here's what to expect at work in 2008. More
Dec 18: If the company you're interviewing with hasn't introduced you to the manager you'd report to, what should you do? Fortune's Anne Fisher has advice. More
Dec 11: You might feel worse about skipping the office holiday bash altogether than attending and drinking too much, one survey suggests. More
Dec 5: It's surprisingly easy to make little changes that can make a big difference to the environment. Here's how. More
Nov 29: You can gain power at work without putting your integrity through the shredder. Fortune's Anne Fisher explains how. More
Nov 20: Turning a part-time holiday gig into a full-time job isn't easy, especially this year. But with effort, and a little luck, you can do it. Fortune's Anne Fisher explains how. More
Nov 12: Being recognized for your work often requires that you speak up for yourself, but what if you don't want to brag? Fortune's Anne Fisher offers up five tips for getting credit where credit is due. More
Nov 5: If your co-workers just won't stop badmouthing each other, Fortune's Anne Fisher explains how to get the damaging chatter to stop. More
Oct 31: A few years in a foreign country can boost your marketability and your pay, but how do you get there - and succeed? Fortune's Anne Fisher explains. More
Oct 23: With no visual cues for a hiring manager to rely on, you need to make the most of your voice. Fortune's Anne Fisher explains how. More
Oct 17: People earning over $100,000 a year are almost twice as likely to apologize after an argument or mistake as those earning $25,000 or less, Fortune's Anne Fisher reports. More
Oct 11: Don't bring mom to the job interview, warns Fortune's Anne Fisher. Here are some of the goofiest things job seekers have done when meeting hiring managers. More
Oct 10: As candidates inundate employers at these events, how can you stand out? Fortune's Anne Fisher explains. More
Oct 1: A 50-something reader who found she couldn't 'have it all' asks if her daughter can expect better career rewards. Fortune's Anne Fisher explains whether to offer the next generation a reality check, or to keep quiet. More
Sep 25: It's best to move on before you get fired, lose your sanity, or both. Fortune's Anne Fisher offers eight ways to tell if your job is in jeopardy. More
Sep 19: A top executive coach says that leaders are made as well as born, and that leadership can be learned. The first step: Have a clear (don't yawn!) vision. Then, take our quiz. More
Sep 10: It's hard for managers - and employees - to keep things fair when team members need personal time off, says Fortune's Anne Fisher. An expert offers a few tips. More
Sep 5: In social settings, how often should friends be checking their BlackBerrys? Fortune's Anne Fisher asked etiquette expert Judith Martin. More
Aug 29: Employers are more willing to foot the bill for relocating expenses, a new survey shows. Fortune's Anne Fisher explains how to negotiate. More
Aug 23: From interns to experienced execs, too many folks forget basic niceties at business meals, says Fortune's Anne Fisher. Here are 10 rules to keep you from committing a serious faux pas. More
Aug 21: After three months working for a big company, a new grad is being given only the most routine assignments. Is it time to quit? Fortune's Anne Fisher explains. More
Aug 7: Many work-at-home 'opportunities' are scams, but a few are on the level - especially for customer-service reps and executive assistants, says Fortune's Anne Fisher. More
Jul 31: Two weeks into a new job, an MBA's first-choice employer made a fantastic offer. Now what? Fortune's Anne Fisher explains what to do next. More
Jul 26: The federal government is hoping to hire almost 200,000 people between now and 2009. The perks can be generous and you don't have to live in D.C. More
Jul 24: Thinking of leaving the big city for a little town? Well-known companies may be eager to hire you, and woo you with advancement opportunities and work-and-family perks. More
Jul 13: Zero in on your chosen field, then seek out global employers. Beware of agencies that promise to get you a job for a fee. More
Jul 2: Is someone at your office badmouthing you to the boss? Fortune's Anne Fisher explains what to do next. More
Jun 21: A new college grad wonders if she'll have a tough time getting promoted in the IT field. What do female techies think? Fortune's Anne Fisher explains. More
Jun 14: The author of a new book on CEO dads (he is one) thinks so, and tells Fortune's Anne Fisher how to become a better one. One step: Don't text clients from Disneyland! More
Jun 8: What to do when bosses put you on the spot with a question you can't answer quickly. Plus, whether to send an employer a video resume, and the etiquette of referral bonuses. More
May 30: Most employees would have trouble telling - let alone proving - they're not being fairly compensated. So why did the Supreme Court decide to give them only six months to file a pay discrimination complaint? More
May 23: The New York area, Washington, D.C., and Silicon Valley each have thousands of tech openings, according to a leading job board. For those with the hottest skills, pay is setting post-bubble records. More
May 18: Has trying to keep up with your inbox got you feeling like a hamster on a wheel, running faster and getting nowhere? Help is here! More
May 15: Hiring is up and so are salaries, but there's lots of competition, too. Raise the odds of getting your dream job by avoiding these common errors. More
May 8: Want to attract MBAs? Be more like Google, the new No. 1 on's list of 100 Top MBA Employers. More
May 3: Want to attract MBAs? Be more like Google, the new No. 1 on's list of 100 Top MBA Employers. More
Apr 25: Having trouble finding a new job? Cheer up. When it comes to resumes, a new survey reveals just how clueless some of your competition is. More
Apr 20: In many companies, anyone who wants to reach the executive suite had better get some clubs. Here are the (unwritten) rules of the game. More
Apr 12: A 10-year study of 200,000 managers and employees suggests that praising people for a job well done may lead to bigger profits, says Fortune's Anne Fisher. More
Apr 3: So your employer hired an outside candidate for that big job you wanted? Here's why and what to do next. More
Mar 29: Many job hunters are told that their experience needs to be fit onto a single page. But is that true? More
Mar 27: It's hard to predict how any individual job candidate will fare. But here's what the odds are. More
Mar 20: Even star employees often shy away from asking for more. Here are 6 tips for women on how to get a raise. More
Mar 13: Protégés aren't the only ones who benefit from mentoring programs, suggests an unusual new study by Sun Microsystems. More
Feb 27: 'My son was diagnosed with a serious, chronic medical condition about six years ago, and I'm worried that [his] illness will be flagged as a pre-existing condition.' More
Feb 22: The competition to get into the best MBA programs is ferocious, but you can improve your chances of getting accepted by following these expert tips. More
Feb 13: 'Offices are often the easiest places to meet and fall in love,' says one expert. Here's how to keep your career and relationship intact, plus some fun Valentine's Day stats. More
Feb 8: How to find a job that lets you give back to the community, and what to expect when you get one. Plus, how many sick days should your employer allow? More
Jan 23: Ever made a mega-blunder on the job - or fear you might someday make one? Here's the best way to failure-proof your career. More
Jan 16: Everything the companies on Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For list do is aimed at keeping employees happy so they won't quit. But are workers less loyal than they used to be? The answer may surprise you. More
Jan 3: Lots of New Year's resolutions involve a job hunt, but you may be able to get out of your rut without quitting. More
Dec 20: Wondering what your skills will be worth in the New Year? Thinking of changing jobs and need the 411 on your market value? Check out these salary guides in 4 hot fields. More
Dec 13: If you had a bit too much liquid cheer, or said or did something your co-workers are still snickering about, here's how to get past it. More
Dec 6: At some offices, everyone gets the same extra pay at holiday time. Is that good for morale, or bad management? More
Anne Fisher answers career-related questions and offers helpful advice for business professionals. »»
CompanyPrice% Change
Beazer Homes USA, Inc 0.47 62.07%
Arvinmeritor Inc 0.49 32.43%
Smithfield Foods Inc 7.81 31.26%
Prudential Finl Inc 18.37 29.73%
Mar 12 3:59pm ET †
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Dow Jones7,170.063.34%
S&P 500750.744.07%
10yr99 1/32Yield: 2.86%
Mar 12 4:02pm ET †
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Sanmina Corp 0.24 14.33%
Micron Technology Inc 3.55 10.94%
Charter Communications Inc D 0.02 -8.75%
Sprint Nextel Corporation 3.81 7.93%
Mar 12 3:58pm ET †
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