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Nantucket Sound: Once it's Gone, it's Gone Forever
This short documentary dramatically captures the reasons why so many Cape Cod and Island residents oppose Cape Wind, and it presents their serious concerns about its threat to the ecology of the Sound, public safety, and to fishing and tourism. Take a moment to view it, then send it by email to your personal email network. Comments welcome!


Urge the Federal Government to Deny Cape Wind

Thanks to your efforts, the federal Minerals Management Service (MMS) has extended the public comment period for the Cape Wind Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) until March 21, 2009. How can you voice your opposition to Cape Wind? Just follow these 5 easy steps:

1. Click here to submit your comments to MMS online.
2. Fill in the requested biographical information (name, address, etc.)
3. Write “Deny Cape Wind” in the “Comment Title” section.
4. Click here for a pre-written comment template that you can copy and paste into the "Comment" section.
5. Click "Submit Comment."

You may also submit written comments by March 21st to the following address: MMS Cape Wind Energy Project, TRC Environmental Corporation Attn: Jeff Brandt, Wannalancit Mills, 650 Suffolk Street, Lowell, Massachusetts 01854. If you have any questions, please contact Kate Dineen at kdineen@saveoursound.org.

Recent News

Cape Wind at any cost
3/11/09 Cape Cod Times Editorial
We agree with most of what Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told the Associated Press in a wide-ranging interview on Monday.

Cape wind farm foes sue state agency
2/26/09 Boston Globe
A group fighting plans to build 130 wind turbines in the ocean waters off Cape Cod has challenged the findings of a state agency on the project. The Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound announced yesterday that it had filed a lawsuit in Barnstable Superior Court against the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management.

Lawsuits challenge state on Cape wind-farm ruling
2/26/09 Cape Cod Times
Opponents of the proposed Nantucket Sound wind farm have filed two lawsuits challenging the state Office of Coastal Zone Management's finding that the project meets state requirements for activities in federal waters.

Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Violates Law on Cape Wind
2/25/09 Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound Press Release
On February 20, 2009, the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound and a number of Massachusetts residents filed a lawsuit against the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) in Massachusetts State Court...

Wind farm construction could be a painful process
2/25/09 Cape Cod Times Letter to the Editor
What I want to know is more about the preview. I cannot imagine all the giant trucks it will take to bring in the towers and blades. Where will they park? Where will these things be stored? What kind of barges will bring them out to sea? How long will the drilling under the sea go on? What will be the effect of all this construction and dredging on wildlife?...

Safety of wind plants shouldn't be negotiable
2/23/09 Cape Cod Times Letter to the Editor
The Federal Aviation Administration recently announced that Cape Wind would cause radar interference. Compromising public safety is unacceptable. I've seen other issues raised on the proposed Cape Wind plant — displacing fishermen, harming endangered species, hurting tourism, affecting the tribes and historic sites...

Now is time to be vocal in opposing Cape Wind
2/21/09 Cape Cod Times Letter to the Editor
Now is the time for the community to get involved. Put lawn signs up. Write letters to your elected officials. Donate to Save Our Sound. And visit www.saveoursound.org. It is not too late. We can still protect our home and our beautiful Sound from this private developer...

Click here for more News, Letters to the Editor and Press Releases >>>


Recent Press Releases

02/25/09: Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Violates Law on Cape Wind
02/18/09: MMS extends public comment period for Cape Wind FEIS
02/13/09: FAA issues presumed hazard determination for Cape Wind [Related documents: FAA Notice of Presumed Hazard; FAA Public Notice; Image: A Single Summer Day of Flights Over Nantucket Sound]
02/12/09: Leaders request longer Cape Wind comment period
Feds issue report on Cape Wind despite findings of potential radar interference
12/20/08: MA Superior Court rejects Cape Wind motion to dismiss key legal case
12/18/08: Coast Guard acknowledges radar interference, holds highly-controlled meeting
12/11/08: Stakeholders criticize federal review of Cape Wind

Click here for more News, Letters to the Editor and Press Releases >>>


SOS Video Page
We have put together a page of videos, which includes highlights from the March 2008 MMS public hearings and some interesting local cable access shows. Click here to check out the page!

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Cape Wind Costs
Do the economics make sense?

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