Indian Secretary of Power attends IEA Governing Board
11 March 2009
The Mr. V. S. Sampath, Secretary of the Ministry of Power, India, attended the IEA’s Governing Board meeting on 11-12 March 2009. He was welcomed to the IEA by IEA Governing Board Chair, Mr. Willy Ricketts and IEA Executive Director, Mr. Nobuo Tanaka. This photograph was taken beside the winning painting in the Ministry of Power’s 2007 National Painting Competition on Energy Conservation organised for school children.

IEA Hosts First Energy Business Council Meeting
10 March 2009
The IEA welcomed senior executives from over 25 energy companies and a number of industry associations to the first meeting of the IEA Energy Business Council (EBC). The purpose of the gathering was to create a forum for representatives from business to participate in and contribute to discussions of current energy-related challenges. Topics addressed included the impact of the financial crisis on energy markets, IEA engagement with “outreach” countries and the Agency’s priorities in 2009. The EBC will next convene for a brainstorming meeting that directly precedes the IEA Ministerial in October.

IEA Participates in Launch of Global Fuel Economy Initiative
4 March 2009
IEA Executive Director Tanaka participated in the launch of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) in Geneva, during the Geneva Motor Show. Four organisations -- the FIA Foundation, International Transport Forum (ITF) and UN Environment Program and IEA -- developed GFEI to achieve a 50% reduction in automobile energy use per kilometre by 2050. Click here for press release. See also 50 by 50 short promo video...

Energy and Society Conference, Portugal
27 February 2009
On 27 February, IEA Executive Director Nobuo Tanaka met with the Portuguese Minister for Economy and Industry, Mr. Manuel Pinho.  Mr. Tanaka visited Lisbon, Portugal to speak at the inaugural Energy and Society Conference.  His speech provided an overview of the global energy outlook and insights into the important role of renewables with respect to climate change mitigation and energy security.
See the presentation...

International Standards to Promote Energy Efficiency and Reduce Carbon Emissions
OECD Conference Centre
Paris: 16-17 March 2009

Energy Policies of IEA Countries - Luxembourg, 2008 Review
20 March 2009

Cleaner Coal in China
20 April 2009
See also flyers in English and Chinese

IEA Calls for Cleaner Vehicles
At the launch of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) at the Geneva Motor Show, IEA Executive Director Nobuo Tanaka said “We have to find ways to reconcile legitimate aspirations for mobility, an ambitious reduction in CO2 from cars worldwide and global economic recovery.” He added, “In confronting the economic recession, this is a real opportunity for governments to combine support for the motor industry with measures to achieve environmental and energy policy goals.
Greenwire, 04 March 2009

Current Oil Prices Favor Investment in MENA Region
In view of the current level of oil prices the IEA Chief Economist Fatih Birol sees the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) as only regions where investment would continue to bring on new production. “It makes sense to invest in these countries if oil will stay at USD 40, mainly because there we have very low production costs of USD 10 to 20 a barrel.” A problem according to Birol is the restricted access for international firms in the MENA region.
Reuters, 17 February 2009

see press archives...


Project Transitions

Annual global investment in wind energy topped USD 50 billion in 2007.SeeRenewable Energy Essentials: Wind


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