Natural Gas 1996: Issues and Trends

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    Natural Gas 1996: Issues and Trends provides a summary of the latest data and information relating to the U.S. natural gas industry, including prices, production, transmission, consumption, and financial aspects of the industry. The report consists of six chapters and seven appendices.

    • Preface and Table of Contents.(24 Kb)
    • Executive Summary.(66 Kb)
    • Chapter 1. "Overview" Presents a summary of key natural gas data series, including prices, production, imports, storage, transportation, and consumption. It also examines some developing issues, such as company mergers and deep water production.(674 Kb)
    • Chapter 2. "Changes in Firm Transportation Capacity Contracting" discusses the natural gas transportation market with concentration on the capacity release market, major capacity turnback cases to date and potential capacity turnback as identified by expiring firm capacity contracts.(233 Kb)
    • Chapter 3."The Emergence of Natural Gas Market Centers" examines the development of natural gas market centers during the past 5 years and how these entities have changed the way business is transacted in the natural gas marketplace.(575 Kb)
    • Chapter 4. "Producers in Today's Competitive Market" looks at how natural gas producers have responded to the restructuring of the interstate pipeline industry and how they have improved operations to become more efficient in a more competitive market.(173 Kb)
    • Chapter 5. "Consumer Prices Reflect Benefits of Restructuring" examines how prices to final consumers have varied among regions and changed since restructuring.(259 Kb)
    • Chapter 6. "State Regulators Promote Consumer Choice in Retail Gas Markets" examines how State regulatory agencies are dealing with competitive and operational changes in retail gas markets.(117 Kb)
    • Appendix A. Chapter 1 Supplement. (113 Kb)
    • Appendix B.Analysis of Firm Transportation Contracts: Results and Methodology. (387 Kb)
    • Appendix C. Summary of Industry Surveys on Future Capacity Commitments (2184 Kb)
    • Appendix D. Comparison of Firm Commitments by Pipeline Company. (12 Kb)
    • Appendix E. Analysis of Capacity Release Trading: Results and Methodology (95 Kb)
    • Appendix F. Existing and Proposed Underground Storage Facilities (881 Kb)
    • Appendix G. Pipeline Expansions (1271 Kb)
    • The Complete Publication(4.8 Meg)

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File last modified: 7/21/1998