Table 1a.  U.S. Average Vehicle-Miles Traveled, Actual, Reported, and Ratio 
                Vehicle-Miles Traveled, 1994            
                 (Reduced Data Set)
                                   |           |                                   |         
                                   |           |        Average per Vehicle        |         
                                   |           |___________________________________|         
                                   |           |           |           |           |         
                                   |   Number  |   Actual  |  Reported |  Ratio of |         
           1993 Household and      |     of    |    VMT    |    VMT    |  Actual/  |         
              1994 Vehicle         |  Vehicles |(thousands)|(thousands)|  Reported |         
            Characteristics        | (million) |  (MILES)  |  (MILESA) |    VMT    |         
                                   |___________|___________|___________|___________|   RSE   
                                   |           |           |           |           |   Row   
           RSE Column Factor:      |    1.2    |    0.7    |    1.1    |    1.1    | Factor        
     Household Characteristics                                                     |         
     Total.........................     62.2        11.3        12.8         0.89  |    3.0  
     Census Region and Division                                                    |         
       Northeast...................     10.7        11.0        15.3         0.72  |    8.4  
         New England...............      2.9         9.7        12.7         0.77  |    6.8  
         Middle Atlantic...........      7.8        11.5        16.2         0.71  |   10.4  
       Midwest.....................     17.6        11.5        12.0         0.95  |    3.0  
         East North Central........     12.1        11.3        12.0         0.94  |    3.7  
         West North Central........      5.5        11.8        12.1         0.97  |    4.6  
       South.......................     21.2        11.8        12.3         0.96  |    3.9  
         South Atlantic............     10.6        12.6        12.1         1.04  |    4.8  
         East South Central........      4.1        10.2        13.6         0.75  |    8.1  
         West South Central........      6.6        11.7        11.9         0.98  |    8.3  
       West........................     12.6        10.5        12.4         0.85  |    5.2  
         Mountain..................      4.4        10.4        14.4         0.72  |    8.9  
         Pacific...................      8.1        10.6        11.3         0.94  |    6.3  
     Largest Populated States                                                      |         
      California...................      6.0        10.8        12.0         0.90  |    6.7  
      Florida......................      3.2        11.9        11.8         1.01  |    8.1  
      New York.....................      3.1        11.6        22.4         Q     |   11.3  
      Texas........................      4.0        11.2        12.3         0.90  |   10.7  
     Urban Status                                                                  |         
       Urban.......................     46.6        11.2        12.9         0.87  |    3.8  
         Central City..............     14.3        10.4        11.5         0.90  |    5.0  
         Suburban..................     32.3        11.6        13.5         0.86  |    4.8  
       Rural.......................     15.5        11.6        12.3         0.95  |    3.0  
     Household Size                                                                |         
       1 Person....................      8.2         9.4        10.9         0.87  |    5.0  
       2 Persons...................     23.3        10.5        11.7         0.90  |    3.5  
       3 Persons...................     11.7        12.1        15.7         0.77  |    9.7  
       4 Persons...................     11.8        12.3        12.3         1.00  |    4.3  
       5 Persons...................      5.3        12.8        14.1         0.90  |    7.0  
       6 or More Persons...........      2.0        14.3        14.8         0.97  |   10.0  
     Household Composition                                                         |         
       Households with Children....     25.3        12.8        13.3         0.96  |    3.2  
         Age of Oldest Child                                                       |         
           Under 7 Years...........      5.7        12.3        13.3         0.92  |    6.7  
           7 to 15 Years...........     13.4        13.0        13.7         0.95  |    4.3  
           16 or 17 Years..........      6.3        12.8        12.2         1.05  |    6.0  
       Households Without Children.     36.9        10.3        12.4         0.83  |    4.6  
         One Adult.................      8.2         9.4        10.9         0.87  |    5.0  
           Age of Householder                                                      |         
             Under 35 Years........      1.5        12.8        15.3         0.84  |   12.6  
             35 to 59 Years........      2.9        12.1        12.4         0.97  |    7.8  
             60 Years or More......      3.8         6.2         8.1         0.77  |    7.5  
         Two or More Adults........     28.7        10.6        12.8         0.82  |    5.3  
           Age of Householder                                                      |         
             Under 35 Years........      3.7        12.8        15.1         0.85  |    8.0  
             35 to 59 Years........     13.4        11.7        12.5         0.93  |    5.1  
             60 Years or More......     11.6         8.6        12.4         0.69  |   10.6  

     See footnotes at end of table.

Table 1a. U.S. Average Vehicle-Miles Traveled, Actual, Reported, and Ratio Vehicle-Miles Traveled, 1994 (Continued)(Reduced Data Set) ________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | Average per Vehicle | | |___________________________________| | | | | | | Number | Actual | Reported | Ratio of | 1993 Household and | of | VMT | VMT | Actual/ | 1994 Vehicle | Vehicles |(thousands)|(thousands)| Reported | Characteristics | (million) | (MILES) | (MILESA) | VMT | |___________|___________|___________|___________| RSE | | | | | Row RSE Column Factor: | 1.2 | 0.7 | 1.1 | 1.1 | Factor ______________________________|___________|___________|___________|___________|_________ | Race of Householder | White....................... 57.3 11.3 12.9 0.88 | 3.1 Black....................... 2.9 12.8 12.0 1.07 | 10.3 Other....................... 2.0 9.5 10.3 0.93 | 11.8 | Hispanic Descent | Yes......................... 3.0 11.3 13.3 0.84 | 9.0 No.......................... 59.2 11.3 12.7 0.89 | 3.0 | 1993 Family Income | Less than $5,000............ 0.5 10.6 12.8 0.83 | 19.0 $5,000 to $9,999............ 2.5 8.3 7.5 1.11 | 10.8 $10,000 to $14,999.......... 4.1 9.8 11.7 0.84 | 8.0 $15,000 to $19,999.......... 5.0 9.7 10.7 0.91 | 7.7 $20,000 to $24,999.......... 5.5 10.9 11.9 0.91 | 7.4 $25,000 to $34,999.......... 10.0 12.4 12.0 1.03 | 5.0 $35,000 to $49,999.......... 14.2 11.2 11.9 0.94 | 3.8 $50,000 to $74,999.......... 12.4 11.9 16.2 0.73 | 8.9 $75,000 or More............. 7.8 12.4 13.7 0.91 | 6.0 | Below Poverty Line | 100 Percent................. 2.8 10.7 9.2 1.17 | 9.5 125 Percent................. 4.9 11.0 10.5 1.05 | 7.3 150 Percent................. 7.5 10.8 11.2 0.96 | 5.9 | Eligible for Federal | Assistance1................... 9.8 10.5 11.2 0.94 | 5.1 | Number of Drivers2 (Fall 1993) | 1........................... 13.0 9.7 11.1 0.88 | 4.1 2........................... 36.9 11.6 12.4 0.93 | 2.7 3........................... 8.7 12.1 16.8 0.72 | 12.6 4 or More................... 3.5 12.9 13.0 0.99 | 8.7 | Age of Primary Driver | 16 to 17 Years.............. Q Q Q Q | NF 18 to 22 Years.............. 1.9 12.9 10.9 1.19 | 10.0 23 to 29 Years.............. 4.0 13.9 14.9 0.94 | 6.4 30 to 39 Years.............. 12.3 12.3 13.4 0.92 | 4.3 40 to 49 Years.............. 12.7 12.6 12.0 1.05 | 4.1 50 to 59 Years.............. 8.5 11.4 11.8 0.97 | 6.1 60 to 69 Years.............. 7.0 8.7 8.7 1.00 | 5.8 70 to 79 Years.............. 5.2 7.0 9.7 0.73 | 7.7 80 Years and Over........... 1.8 4.7 6.4 0.74 | NF Don't Know.................. 8.3 12.7 20.3 0.63 | 10.2 | Sex of Primary Driver | Female...................... 25.9 11.4 11.4 0.99 | 2.6 Male........................ 28.0 10.8 11.7 0.92 | 2.9 Don't Know.................. 8.2 12.9 20.4 0.63 | 10.1 ______________________________________________________________________________|_________ See footnotes at end of table.

Table 1a. U.S. Average Vehicle-Miles Traveled, Actual, Reported, and Ratio Vehicle-Miles Traveled, 1994 (Continued)(Reduced Data Set) ________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | Average per Vehicle | | |___________________________________| | | | | | | Number | Actual | Reported | Ratio of | 1993 Household and | of | VMT | VMT | Actual/ | 1994 Vehicle | Vehicles |(thousands)|(thousands)| Reported | Characteristics | (million) | (MILES) | (MILESA) | VMT | |___________|___________|___________|___________| RSE | | | | | Row RSE Column Factor: | 1.2 | 0.7 | 1.1 | 1.1 | Factor ______________________________|___________|___________|___________|___________|_________ | Average Number of Vehicles per | Household During the Year | Part-Year Vehicle........... Q Q Q Q | NF Only 1...................... 12.3 10.3 11.2 0.92 | 4.3 Between 1 and 2............. 2.3 14.3 16.2 0.88 | 9.1 Only 2...................... 23.9 11.5 12.0 0.96 | 3.2 Between 2 and 3............. 5.6 12.2 13.0 0.94 | 6.5 Only 3...................... 10.2 10.7 12.0 0.89 | 6.0 Between 3 and 4............. 2.7 11.9 25.5 Q | 18.3 4 or More................... 4.9 11.5 12.6 0.92 | 8.0 | Vehicle Characteristics | | Model Year | 1994 to 1995................ 0.6 14.9 17.3 0.87 | 15.5 1993........................ 4.9 14.7 16.1 0.91 | 5.4 1992........................ 5.5 13.6 13.9 0.98 | 4.7 1989 to 1991................ 16.4 12.6 13.2 0.96 | 3.2 1986 to 1988................ 16.2 10.9 12.3 0.88 | 3.7 1983 to 1985................ 9.6 9.7 13.5 0.72 | 11.7 1980 to 1982................ 3.3 8.4 11.2 0.75 | NF 1977 to 1979................ 2.9 8.2 10.1 0.81 | 12.7 1976 or Earlier............. 2.8 7.5 5.9 1.26 | 16.3 | Type of Vehicle | Passenger Car............... 41.9 10.9 12.7 0.86 | 3.8 Minivan..................... 4.0 14.1 13.7 1.03 | 5.2 Sport Utility............... 4.0 13.1 14.9 0.88 | 6.2 Large Van................... 1.3 10.6 10.7 0.99 | 13.4 Pickup Truck................ 10.8 11.4 12.2 0.93 | 4.4 Other....................... Q Q Q Q | NF | Fuel Efficiency (miles per | gallon) | 10.9 or Less................ 3.0 3.4 7.7 0.44 | 17.0 11 to 12.9.................. 4.1 7.9 10.2 0.77 | 9.9 13 to 15.9.................. 7.5 8.5 10.7 0.80 | 6.3 16 to 18.9.................. 11.6 9.9 11.0 0.90 | 4.1 19 to 21.9.................. 13.2 12.3 15.8 0.77 | 8.1 22 to 24.9.................. 11.8 13.4 13.4 1.00 | 3.9 25 to 29.9.................. 8.9 14.6 13.5 1.08 | 4.2 30 or More.................. 2.0 16.6 15.8 1.05 | 8.0 | Engine Size (liters) | 2.49 or Less................ 22.8 11.5 12.7 0.90 | 3.2 2.50 to 3.49................ 13.4 12.1 14.9 0.81 | 7.8 3.50 to 4.49................ 9.5 11.8 12.9 0.91 | 4.7 4.50 or Greater............. 16.4 10.2 10.9 0.93 | 4.3 ______________________________________________________________________________|_________ See footnotes at end of table.

Table 1a. U.S. Average Vehicle-Miles Traveled, Actual, Reported, and Ratio Vehicle-Miles Traveled, 1994 (Continued)(Reduced Data Set) ________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | Average per Vehicle | | |___________________________________| | | | | | | Number | Actual | Reported | Ratio of | 1993 Household and | of | VMT | VMT | Actual/ | 1994 Vehicle | Vehicles |(thousands)|(thousands)| Reported | Characteristics | (million) | (MILES) | (MILESA) | VMT | |___________|___________|___________|___________| RSE | | | | | Row RSE Column Factor: | 1.2 | 0.7 | 1.1 | 1.1 | Factor ______________________________|___________|___________|___________|___________|_________ | Number of Cylinders | 4........................... 24.3 11.5 12.6 0.91 | 3.1 6........................... 21.6 12.2 14.2 0.86 | 5.9 8........................... 15.8 10.0 10.9 0.92 | 4.4 Other....................... Q Q Q Q | NF | Type of Transmission | Automatic................... 48.0 11.1 12.8 0.87 | 3.6 Manual Shift................ 14.2 12.0 12.7 0.94 | 4.1 | Type of Drive | Front-Wheel................. 31.0 11.7 12.4 0.95 | 2.5 Rear-Wheel.................. 24.2 10.5 12.8 0.82 | 6.0 4-Wheel..................... 6.9 12.3 14.2 0.87 | 4.9 | Type of Fuel System | Carburetor.................. 27.9 10.0 12.1 0.83 | 5.5 Fuel Injection.............. 33.4 12.4 13.3 0.94 | 2.3 Diesel Engine............... 0.9 10.6 14.5 0.73 | 13.3 | Type of Fuel Purchased | Motor Gasoline.............. 60.6 11.3 12.7 0.89 | 3.0 Unleaded.................. 60.3 11.4 12.8 0.89 | 3.0 Regular Grade........... 40.7 11.7 13.2 0.89 | 3.8 Intermediate Grade...... 8.7 10.9 11.9 0.91 | 4.7 Premium Grade........... 11.0 10.6 12.1 0.88 | 4.8 Leaded.................... Q Q Q Q | NF Gasohol..................... 0.7 8.8 10.9 0.81 | 17.9 Diesel Fuel................. 0.8 11.6 14.5 0.80 | 13.2 | Type of Primary Service | Full-Service Pumps.......... 5.1 8.8 10.3 0.85 | 9.2 Self or Mini-Service Pumps.. 56.0 11.6 12.5 0.93 | 2.2 Both Equally................ 1.1 9.7 Q Q | 21.9 Bulk Sales/Other............ Q Q Q Q | NF | Vehicle Used for Commuting | to and from Work | Yes......................... 36.7 12.9 13.9 0.93 | 2.4 No.......................... 25.4 9.0 11.1 0.81 | 5.6 | Actual Miles | Less than 5,000............. 14.9 2.9 8.8 0.32 | 4.5 5,000 to 9,999.............. 16.5 7.8 10.8 0.72 | 2.7 10,000 to 14,999............ 14.2 12.6 15.0 0.84 | 9.3 15,000 to 19,999............ 9.0 17.5 15.5 1.13 | 3.7 20,000 to 24,999............ 3.8 22.6 17.6 1.28 | 6.2 25,000 to 29,999............ 2.3 27.4 17.6 1.56 | 6.9 30,000 or More.............. 1.5 32.6 16.6 1.96 | NF ______________________________________________________________________________|_________ 1 Below 150 percent of poverty line or 60 percent of median State income. 2 Approximately 0.5 percent of the vehicle stock was owned by households that had no drivers as of fall 1993. NF = No applicable RSE row factor. Q = Data withheld either because the Relative Standard Error (RSE) was greater than 50 percent or fewer than 10 households were sampled. Notes: • "Households with Children" category includes members under age 18 years old unless the member is the householder or spouse. • To obtain the Relative Standard Error (RSE) percentage for any table cell, multiply the corresponding column and row factors. • Because of rounding, data may not sum to totals. • Data in this table are for households with vehicles for personal transportation. • See Glossary for definition of terms used in this report. Sources: Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Form EIA-457 A of the 1993 Residential Energy Consumption Survey and Forms EIA-876 A, B, C, and D of the 1994 Residential Transportation Energy Consumption Survey.

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